4-й класс Английский язык Spotlight 4
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10,000+ results for '4 класс английский spotlight 4'
Irregular verbs 2 form
Match up
Irregular s-w
Balloon pop
Group sort
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Open the box
Find the match
Spotlight 4 3a
irregular verbs part 2
True or false
Spotlight 4 1b
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous
Labelled diagram
Spotlight 4 Module 6 a Containers
Maze chase
5a. Pirate's fruit salad
Find the match
Spotlight 4 1b numbers
Flash cards
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers
Past Simple + - ?
How often do you... Always, often, usually, sometimes, never
Find the match
irregular verbs part 1
True or false
Past simple (?)
Complete the sentence
Spotlight Unit 1a Appearance
Match up
Lizzie Past Simple
Spotlight 4 2a
Find the match
Spotlight 3 3b
Match up
Spotlight 4 3b
Find the match
Spotlight 4 1b is isn't are aren't
Flip tiles
To be (Present and Past Simple)
Gameshow quiz
Comparative Degree
Spotlight 4 unit 1a
Find the match
Spotlight 4 3b
Flip tiles
Spotlight 4 Module 3 a Containers
Win or lose quiz
Containers match up
Match up
Spotlight 4 Unit 2a
Match up
Starlight 4, Past Simple
Gameshow quiz
Spotlight 4 3a
Win or lose quiz
Spotlight 4 unit 1a
Find the match
Spotlight 4 Module 2 Unit 3a
Win or lose quiz
Can you tell me the time?
Labelled diagram
Food and containers (Spotlight 4) 1
Speaking cards
can / am / is / are
Spotlight 4 3b
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers
Win or lose quiz
Spotlight 4 Unit 2a Present Continuous
Open the box
Spotlight 4 1a
Find the match