4-й класс Present Continuous
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Present Continuous
Present Continuous
Speaking cards
Present Simple vs Present Continious
Complete the sentence
Present Continious
Gameshow quiz
Make sentenses.
Present Continuous
Надя 1
Group sort
Present perfect signal words
Find the match
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
Find the Present Simple markers
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Speaking cards
Santa questions PrSimple
Speaking cards
To be (Present and Past Simple)
Gameshow quiz
Present Continuous
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple
Complete the sentence
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Group sort
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Open the box
Question words
Complete the sentence
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Open the box
Neighborhood hero
Match up
Fly High 4 Lesson 18
Speaking cards
Spotlight 4 Module 3 Unit 5 Food
Match up
Super minds 2 off we go
Fly high 4 21
Порядковые числительные
Match up
a jar of, a can of
Match up
rainbow 4 unit 4 step 1
Match up
Fly high 4 lesson 15
Gameshow quiz
PU2_ Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Flash cards
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Open the box
Present Continuous ( -ing ending)
Group sort
Housework (home chores) Hot spot 2 unit 5
Flying fruit
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Group sort
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous
Labelled diagram
countable / uncountable
Group sort
Spotlight 4 Unit 15a
Match up