Present Continuous 6 9
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He/She/It is ... + ing
Labelled diagram
He/She/It doing ...
Find the match
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Open the box
Present Continuous
2. Present, Past, Future continuous
Complete the sentence
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Interview Present Continuous & present Simple
Speaking cards
Game Present simple Present continuous
Open the box
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous
Labelled diagram
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Group sort
Drill Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Speaking cards
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Open the box
Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Continuous
Complete the sentence
Prepare 1 present simple vs continuous
True or false
Present Continuous (image quiz)
Image quiz
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Speaking cards
Present Continuous
Labelled diagram
Make a sentence (Present Continuous)
Speaking cards
Alice Pr Cont
Match up
Spotlight 3 Module 7 Unit 13a
Present Continuous
Labelled diagram
Present Continuous
Open the box
Spotlight 3 Unit 14a
Spotlight 3 Module 7 Unit 13a
Match up
Spotlight 3 Module 7 Now I know - What is he doing?
Labelled diagram
Present Continuous Sorry!
Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Open the box
Present simple and present continuous (Right or wrong?)
True or false
Present Times. Verb forms
Group sort
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Speaking cards
Present Continuous/Present Simple for kids
Group sort
Interview Present Continuous & present Simple
Speaking cards
Usually but today
Speaking cards
Present Simple / Present Continuous - Jobs
Speaking cards
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Speaking cards