
6-й класс

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Spotlight 6 - Unit 3a
Spotlight 6 - Unit 3a Match up
Own it! 1 Family members (1)
Own it! 1 Family members (1) Labelled diagram
Spt 6 Food containers
Spt 6 Food containers Match up
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Die Kleidung
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Die Kleidung Match up
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Körperteile
Horizonte 6, L. 4 Körperteile Match up
Spt 6 School rules Chores (module 8)
Spt 6 School rules Chores (module 8) Match up
Prepositions of place Starlight 6
Prepositions of place Starlight 6 Find the match
spotlight 6 (Festive time)
spotlight 6 (Festive time) Match up
Spotlight 6 - Module 2b - My place
Spotlight 6 - Module 2b - My place Quiz
Склонение числительных
Склонение числительных Quiz
Verb patterns
Verb patterns Speaking cards
Семья 家 (основные родственники: родители, братья, сёстры, бабушки и дедушки) (Рукодельникова 6 класс урок1)
Семья 家 (основные родственники: родители, братья, сёстры, бабушки и дедушки) (Рукодельникова 6 класс урок1) Quiz
Комарова стр 37 6 Daily routines
Комарова стр 37 6 Daily routines Quiz
 6 Past Simple vs Past Continuous
6 Past Simple vs Past Continuous Quiz
Правописание слов с ПОЛ- и ПОЛУ-
Правописание слов с ПОЛ- и ПОЛУ- Quiz
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b Anagram
Spotlight 8b
Spotlight 8b Match up
Spt 6 module 9a Food and Drink
Spt 6 module 9a Food and Drink Find the match
Spotlight 6 9a Many/Much/A lot
Spotlight 6 9a Many/Much/A lot Quiz
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple Speaking cards
Тренируем память и внимательность.
Тренируем память и внимательность. Watch and memorize
Own it! 1 Unit 2.1 p.23
Own it! 1 Unit 2.1 p.23 Match up
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3 Speaking cards
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2 Quiz
Падежные окончания существительных
Падежные окончания существительных True or false
GG2 5.4 Is it far?
GG2 5.4 Is it far? Complete the sentence
Get Involved A2 / Starter / Possessive Case ('s) quiz 3
Get Involved A2 / Starter / Possessive Case ('s) quiz 3 Quiz
Santa Claus Quiz
Santa Claus Quiz Quiz
Go Getter (3) 1.5 Adjectives
Go Getter (3) 1.5 Adjectives Hangman
Christmas food
Christmas food Quiz
Spotlight 5 Module 5c
Spotlight 5 Module 5c Find the match
Проценты  (задачи)
Проценты (задачи) Find the match
spotlight 5 Module 6b
spotlight 5 Module 6b Match up
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a Match up
Own it! 1 Unit 3 School Days.
Own it! 1 Unit 3 School Days. Complete the sentence
Н и НН в прилагательных
Н и НН в прилагательных Quiz
Like/don't like/hate + ing (Eyes Open 1)
Like/don't like/hate + ing (Eyes Open 1) Quiz
Own it! 1 Unit 2 Daily activities part 1
Own it! 1 Unit 2 Daily activities part 1 Match up
Movers exam: Speaking: odd-one-out [1]
Movers exam: Speaking: odd-one-out [1] Quiz
Warm up cards pre teens
Warm up cards pre teens Open the box
Easter. Task 1
Easter. Task 1 Find the match
Найди причастный оборот
Найди причастный оборот Group sort
Murphy-17 (make-see)
Murphy-17 (make-see) Hangman
 Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a
Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a Find the match
Pets and farm animals (voc) Spotlight 5 unit 5c
Pets and farm animals (voc) Spotlight 5 unit 5c Group sort
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Win or lose quiz
2.2 Random cards Daily routines
2.2 Random cards Daily routines Speaking cards
Horizonte 6, L.4 Adjektive
Horizonte 6, L.4 Adjektive Match up
Module 5 Make up word combinations A Starlight 6
Module 5 Make up word combinations A Starlight 6 Match up
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