7-й класс
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ВПР 7 класс , описание картинки
Match up
Причастный оборот или нет
Group sort
ВПР- 7 (6)
Complete the sentence
spotlight 7 module 3b
Match up
Картинки для описания впр
Speaking cards
Правописание предлогов и омонимичных частей речи
Complete the sentence
Unit 4.6 - Film jobs
НЕ с причастиями и отглагольными прилагательными
True or false
ВПР 7 English V 4
Complete the sentence
Starlight 7 Module 3 _ Phrasal Verbs
Complete the sentence
prepare 3 unit 11
Find the match
ВПР лексика
Group sort
Participle 1 and 2
5 Present Passive (Questions & Answers)
Flash cards
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence
Complete the sentence
Group the pictures
Group sort
Own it! 1 Unit 3 School Days.
Complete the sentence
Find the match
Найди причастный оборот
Group sort
Warm up cards pre teens
Open the box
Prepositions of time
Win or lose quiz
Prepositions IN ON AT 2
Gameshow quiz
Srarlight 6 verbs + Gerund -ing
spotlight 7 модуль 5b
Match up
Урок 6. Мой дом. 7 класс.
Group sort
Horizonte 7 Freundschaft
Match up
Solutions pre-int adrenaline junkies
Match up
VPR 7 Games. Fill in the gaps, there are 3 extra words.
Complete the sentence
Spotlight 7 2a Bookworms
Complete the sentence
Причастие или деепричастие?
Group sort
Have to / Had to
Flash cards
Complete the sentence
Horizonte 7, L. 2 Berufe
Match up
Rainbow7 Unit4 Ecology
Group sort
Informal letter
Labelled diagram
EO1 U7 Sport clothes - find the match
Find the match
ВПР Health and body care
Match up
Spotlight 7 2a. "Bookworms"
Flip tiles
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards)
Speaking cards
Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)
Open the box
З или С на конце приставки
True or false
Правописание О и Ё после шипящих
Group sort