7-й класс ВПР
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Картинки для описания впр
Speaking cards
ВПР- 7 (6)
Complete the sentence
ВПР 7 класс , описание картинки
Match up
ВПР 7 English V 4
Complete the sentence
ВПР лексика
Group sort
prepare 3 unit 11
Find the match
Unit 4.6 - Film jobs
Правописание предлогов и омонимичных частей речи
Complete the sentence
Урок 6. Мой дом. 7 класс.
Group sort
spotlight 7 module 3b
Match up
Причастие или деепричастие?
Group sort
Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)
Open the box
Spotlight 7 2a Bookworms
Complete the sentence
Starlight 7 Module 3 _ Phrasal Verbs
Complete the sentence
НЕ с причастиями и отглагольными прилагательными
True or false
VPR 7 Games. Fill in the gaps, there are 3 extra words.
Complete the sentence
Производные предлоги
ВПР Health and body care
Match up
Participle 1 and 2
5 Present Passive (Questions & Answers)
Flash cards
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence
Complete the sentence
Group the pictures
Group sort
Own it! 1 Unit 3 School Days.
Complete the sentence
Find the match
Warm up cards pre teens
Open the box
Найди причастный оборот
Group sort
Prepositions of time
Win or lose quiz
Srarlight 6 verbs + Gerund -ing
Starlight 7 Health problems 4
Match up
Informal letter
Labelled diagram
Have to / Had to
Flash cards
spotlight 7 модуль 5b
Match up
Prepositions IN ON AT 2
Gameshow quiz
Spotlight 7 2a. "Bookworms"
Flip tiles
Средства выразительности
Match up
Horizonte 7, L. 2 Berufe
Match up
Horizonte 7 Freundschaft
Match up
Rainbow7 Unit4 Ecology
Group sort