
7 11

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Colours Crossword
th True or false
phonics long vowels
phonics long vowels Spin the wheel
F&F1 Unit 7 clothes
F&F1 Unit 7 clothes Anagram
Dinner time. Family and friends unit 12
Dinner time. Family and friends unit 12 Hangman
BE 2 Unit 3 House
BE 2 Unit 3 House Labelled diagram
Animals in the Zoo
Animals in the Zoo Labelled diagram
Quiz Possessive adjectives
Quiz Possessive adjectives Quiz
Question words
Question words Match up
Giraffe Family& friends 1
Giraffe Family& friends 1 True or false
Loustictu te sens comment? (U4L3)
Loustictu te sens comment? (U4L3) Match up
F&F Unit 7 Clothes
F&F Unit 7 Clothes Unjumble
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
BI2 u1 his/her/my
BI2 u1 his/her/my Group sort
Unit5 ex5
Unit5 ex5 Labelled diagram
Present Simple
Present Simple Quiz
 BI2 u1 to be p2
BI2 u1 to be p2 Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (1)
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (1) Quiz
BI2 u1 to be
BI2 u1 to be Quiz
Present Simple, present continuous, past simple
Present Simple, present continuous, past simple Unjumble
Usually - today
Usually - today Group sort
Rooms+questions F&F U8
Rooms+questions F&F U8 Gameshow quiz
Nouns - Plural forms
Nouns - Plural forms Wordsearch
Shapes Airplane
Have/haven't got
Have/haven't got Speaking cards
Shapes F&F1
Shapes F&F1 Group sort
Adverbs of frequency unjumble
Adverbs of frequency unjumble Unjumble
There is/are
There is/are True or false
Likes/dislikes family and friends U12
Likes/dislikes family and friends U12 Unjumble
Numbers Watch and memorize
Numbers Watch and memorize
denn - Fragenrunde
denn - Fragenrunde Speaking cards
ВПР- 7 (6)
ВПР- 7 (6) Complete the sentence
Ordinal and cardinal numbers
Ordinal and cardinal numbers Match up
verbes pronominaux
verbes pronominaux Match up
About me (butterflies)
About me (butterflies) Speaking cards
Prepare 1 present simple vs continuous
Prepare 1 present simple vs continuous True or false
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns Labelled diagram
Vocabulary bank 5 | Places in a town
Vocabulary bank 5 | Places in a town Match up
B. Irr.verbs 1 (Name the 3rd form)
B. Irr.verbs 1 (Name the 3rd form) Quiz
What are they doing? Quiz
What are they doing? Quiz Quiz
My house Family and friends 1
My house Family and friends 1 Anagram
BE 2 U2 play safely
BE 2 U2 play safely Quiz
F&F1 rooms
F&F1 rooms Find the match
Numbers Matching pairs
Thanksgiving history and traditions
Thanksgiving history and traditions Quiz
Big English 2 Unit 1 Language in action
Big English 2 Unit 1 Language in action Word magnets
Spotlight 11 Module 3b
Spotlight 11 Module 3b Match up
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Quiz
Keeping fit (Task 4)
Keeping fit (Task 4) Group sort
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2 Quiz
A victim of crime
A victim of crime Flash cards
Spotlight 11. Module 2b. Peer Pressure
Spotlight 11. Module 2b. Peer Pressure Match up
 Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a
Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a Find the match
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b Speaking cards
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