
9-й класс Adjectives Gradable

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Extreme adjectives
Extreme adjectives Complete the sentence
9  класс Кузовлев unit 3 lesson 1
9 класс Кузовлев unit 3 lesson 1 Labelled diagram
2.3 Gradable & Ungradable Adjectives
2.3 Gradable & Ungradable Adjectives Complete the sentence
Is it easy to be a teenager?
Is it easy to be a teenager? Match up
Gradable or Non-gradable (strong) adjectives
Gradable or Non-gradable (strong) adjectives Group sort
Was/Were + Adjectives
Was/Were + Adjectives Find the match
Gradable and non-gradable adjectives
Gradable and non-gradable adjectives Quiz
Conditionals Quiz
ОГЭ adjectives
ОГЭ adjectives Match up
Kid's Box 4 U1 flashcards
Kid's Box 4 U1 flashcards Match up
Possesive adgectives
Possesive adgectives Match up
Possesive Adjectives (difficult)
Possesive Adjectives (difficult) Quiz
8. Passive Voice Spotlight 8/9
8. Passive Voice Spotlight 8/9 Quiz
PU2 _unit 4_comparative adjectives_spelling
PU2 _unit 4_comparative adjectives_spelling Group sort
spot 9 mod 6d
spot 9 mod 6d Match up
British Royal Family
British Royal Family Whack-a-mole
 ОГЭ - 9 . Устная часть. Диалог- расспрос.
ОГЭ - 9 . Устная часть. Диалог- расспрос. Spin the wheel
Oxford Phonics 1 DEF
Oxford Phonics 1 DEF Quiz
 Character adjectives | Spotlight 8 Module 1 /part 2/
Character adjectives | Spotlight 8 Module 1 /part 2/ Match up
OGE Wordformation Adjectives (A-P)
OGE Wordformation Adjectives (A-P) Group sort
module 5f
module 5f Quiz
Possesive and personal adjectives
Possesive and personal adjectives Complete the sentence
Personal and possesive adgectives (Ex. 6)
Personal and possesive adgectives (Ex. 6) Complete the sentence
Spotlight 9 - 6d - ex 2
Spotlight 9 - 6d - ex 2 Match up
LOOK фразовый глагол
LOOK фразовый глагол Quiz
mysterious monsters
mysterious monsters Match up
Spotlight 9 Module 2 Test
Spotlight 9 Module 2 Test Quiz
Order of Adjectives Grouping
Order of Adjectives Grouping Group sort
Days of the week
Days of the week Spin the wheel
Word Formation - 4
Word Formation - 4 Flash cards
Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals Quiz
Ordinal numerals 1 - 20
Ordinal numerals 1 - 20 Anagram
WH- Quiz
Word Formation - 3
Word Formation - 3 Flash cards
GG2 Unit 0.5 pairs
GG2 Unit 0.5 pairs Matching pairs
Do you agree? Why? Why not?
Do you agree? Why? Why not? Speaking cards
Plural nouns
Plural nouns Group sort
1E Order of adjectives
1E Order of adjectives Unjumble
What are you like?
What are you like? Match up
Active - Passive (Simple)
Active - Passive (Simple) Flash cards
Adjective order
Adjective order Group sort
Word formation - 5
Word formation - 5 Flash cards
Spotlight 9 Idioms with 'cake'
Spotlight 9 Idioms with 'cake' Quiz
Module 1d Ex. 6a, p.17
Module 1d Ex. 6a, p.17 Quiz
Module 4a
Module 4a Match up
Word Formation - 2
Word Formation - 2 Flash cards
Adjectives_GoGetter2_Unit 4
Adjectives_GoGetter2_Unit 4 Matching pairs
Do or Make?
Do or Make? Flash cards
phrasal verb make unit 2f spotlight 9
phrasal verb make unit 2f spotlight 9 Quiz
Computer problems
Computer problems Quiz
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