
Английский язык 9 11

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Food. Containers.
Food. Containers. Group sort
adjectives Match up
Module 1 - Form 9
Module 1 - Form 9 Match up
tell, say
tell, say Group sort
Was/were Quiz
KB 4 Unit 7 prepositions matching
KB 4 Unit 7 prepositions matching Find the match
Impact 0 - Unit 0 - p. 18 ex. 2 - Choose the correct pronouns
Impact 0 - Unit 0 - p. 18 ex. 2 - Choose the correct pronouns Complete the sentence
KB 4 Unit 8 Party time memo
KB 4 Unit 8 Party time memo Matching pairs
U-11 Vocab: Places
U-11 Vocab: Places Quiz
 Weather unscramble (Kid's Box 3) with pictures
Weather unscramble (Kid's Box 3) with pictures Anagram
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Complete the sentence
Present Continuous, questions
Present Continuous, questions Unjumble
Education ЕГЭ
Education ЕГЭ Match up
Pos + ing|to
Pos + ing|to Complete the sentence
Английский Find the match
Английский Quiz
I wish / if only
I wish / if only Match up
U-13 Vocab: Illnesses
U-13 Vocab: Illnesses Find the match
Halloween quiz
Halloween quiz Quiz
U-12: Vocab: Technology 2
U-12: Vocab: Technology 2 Complete the sentence
U-12 Vocab: Technology
U-12 Vocab: Technology Match up
Time Zones 1 - U5 - Adverbs of frequency (%)
Time Zones 1 - U5 - Adverbs of frequency (%) Match up
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect Quiz
enjoy|like|love|want Complete the sentence
spot 9 mod 6d
spot 9 mod 6d Match up
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Quiz
Infinitive/-ing form
Infinitive/-ing form Quiz
 ОГЭ - 9 . Устная часть. Диалог- расспрос.
ОГЭ - 9 . Устная часть. Диалог- расспрос. Spin the wheel
8. Passive Voice Spotlight 8/9
8. Passive Voice Spotlight 8/9 Quiz
Starlight 5. Language Review 5.
Starlight 5. Language Review 5. Match up
Starlight 5. Language Review 5.
Starlight 5. Language Review 5. Match up
Vocabulary bank 5 | Places in a town
Vocabulary bank 5 | Places in a town Match up
Spotlight 11 Module 3b
Spotlight 11 Module 3b Match up
ЕГЭ №39 Вербицкая
ЕГЭ №39 Вербицкая Speaking cards
ЕГЭ №40 Вербицкая
ЕГЭ №40 Вербицкая Speaking cards
Break Complete the sentence
sm2 activities unit 8
sm2 activities unit 8 Match up
Spotlight 9 Idioms with 'cake'
Spotlight 9 Idioms with 'cake' Quiz
Module 1d Ex. 6a, p.17
Module 1d Ex. 6a, p.17 Quiz
Spotlight 9 Module 5e
Spotlight 9 Module 5e Match up
Module 4a
Module 4a Match up
Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5 Quiz
Computer problems
Computer problems Quiz
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1 Quiz
Module 4f Word formation
Module 4f Word formation Group sort
B. Irr.verbs 1 (Name the 3rd form)
B. Irr.verbs 1 (Name the 3rd form) Quiz
C. Irr.verbs 1
C. Irr.verbs 1 Complete the sentence
Prepare 1 present simple vs continuous
Prepare 1 present simple vs continuous True or false
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Quiz
Present Simple or Continuous (stative verbs) #6
Present Simple or Continuous (stative verbs) #6 Quiz
 Character adjectives | Spotlight 8 Module 1 /part 2/
Character adjectives | Spotlight 8 Module 1 /part 2/ Match up
ST 11 M4.4 cleft sentenses
ST 11 M4.4 cleft sentenses Spin the wheel
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