
Adjective genitive

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1,330 results for 'adjective genitive'

Степени сравнения РКИ / Degrees of comparison in Russian
Степени сравнения РКИ / Degrees of comparison in Russian Quiz
too + adjective
too + adjective Unjumble
РКИ / Dates + genitive ( Даты рождения в Родительном падеже)
РКИ / Dates + genitive ( Даты рождения в Родительном падеже) Speaking cards
adjective + enough
adjective + enough Quiz
РКИ / Genitive, Accusative , Prepositional + Который
РКИ / Genitive, Accusative , Prepositional + Который Quiz
Существительные+Genitive True or false
Solutions upper unit I adjectives + prepositions
Solutions upper unit I adjectives + prepositions Match up
Numbers + genitive (Цыфры +Родительный падеж )
Numbers + genitive (Цыфры +Родительный падеж ) Gameshow quiz
РКИ / Нет+Genitive (родительный падеж)
РКИ / Нет+Genitive (родительный падеж) Complete the sentence
Adjective Speaking cards
Adjective Match up
As Adjective As. Do you agree or disagree?
As Adjective As. Do you agree or disagree? Spin the wheel
Genitive-Pural Существительные
Genitive-Pural Существительные Open the box
GG1 Unit 1.1 Family image quiz
GG1 Unit 1.1 Family image quiz Image quiz
4B adjective quiz
4B adjective quiz Quiz
Adjective endings
Adjective endings Complete the sentence
too + adjective
too + adjective Speaking cards
adjective suffixes
adjective suffixes Spin the wheel
 too + adjective
too + adjective Speaking cards
Adjective + preposition
Adjective + preposition Complete the sentence
Adjective order
Adjective order Group sort
Adverb/Adjective Complete the sentence
Adjective order
Adjective order Speaking cards
Adjective Suffixes
Adjective Suffixes Group sort
Adverb/Adjective Complete the sentence
 Get + Adjective
Get + Adjective Find the match
2 - as + adjective + as / adjective + enough
2 - as + adjective + as / adjective + enough True or false
GUESS WHO board Flip tiles
Genitive Match up
Genitive Gameshow quiz
Genitive Unjumble
Adjective Complete the sentence
Adjective endings Solutions 1E
Adjective endings Solutions 1E Complete the sentence
Adjective+preposition (Unit 1F)
Adjective+preposition (Unit 1F) Find the match
Adjective endings 1E
Adjective endings 1E Spin the wheel
Form adjective  Spotlight 6 Module 4
Form adjective Spotlight 6 Module 4 Group sort
3E Negative adjective prefixes
3E Negative adjective prefixes Match up
Adjective + preposition (Unit 4E)
Adjective + preposition (Unit 4E) Match up
2.3  too + adjective
2.3 too + adjective Speaking cards
Adjective + preposition (Unit 1F)
Adjective + preposition (Unit 1F) Match up
gg2 noun adjective
gg2 noun adjective Group sort
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