Cae efl
Examples from our community
1,577 results for 'cae efl'

Use of English part 1 (sleep)
Complete the sentence

CAE Gold p.7 (use of English part 1)
Complete the sentence

CAE Use of English (problem syn) sentences + collocations
Complete the sentence

CAE Gold p.7 (collocations)
Match up

CAE Gold p.9 (collocations)
Match up

CAE Use of English (problem syn)
Match up

English File Elementary 1A | Numbers 0 to 20
Spin the wheel

C1/C2 The Passive voice
Complete the sentence

Paraphrasing Advanced
Flash cards

![Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2]](
Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2]
Spin the wheel

Conditional sentences (speaking)
Speaking cards

Family and friends relationships (c1): speaking
Speaking cards

30 C1/C2 Inversion exercises (negative adverbials and conditionals)
Complete the sentence

Speaking CAE Part 1 (Getting to know other people)
Spin the wheel

CAE Speaking Part 3 (phrases)
Group sort

CAE GOLD_Unit 5_Speaking_part 1
Speaking cards

Think of at least two hobbies that ...
Open the box

Outcomes Upper-intermediate Society
Match up

CAE/C1 Speaking Part 2 - Useful language
Group sort

CAE: Cars
Labelled diagram

CAE Speaking
Open the box

Connectors CAE
Group sort

Speaking cards

Questions (Part 1) CAE
Spin the wheel

Reported speech
Open the box

Reported Speech Lead-In

Personal Information (Starter)
Open the box

CAE (C1 Advanced) Speaking Part 1
Open the box

CAE Speaking Fillers
Spin the wheel

CAE Speaking Part
Spin the wheel

cae cards
Match up

CAE Synonyms
Match up

CAE Report
Complete the sentence

CAE structures
Open the box

CAE speaking
Open the box

Expert Advanced 3A
Find the match

Classroom Language
Match up

CAE - Speaking - tasks 1 & 4
Spin the wheel

CAE Inversion Task - Red Bus
Match up

Ordinal numbers - review
Rank order

Formula CAE Unit 1 Phrasal Verbs
Flash cards
CAE speaking Part 1 (1)
Speaking cards
Verbs + to/inf
Group sort
CAE speaking Part 1
Speaking cards
Complete Advanced. unit 2 make, get, get
Group sort
Expert Advanced Module 4A
Match up
to be: it, he, she
Comparatives - Kid's Box 3
Complete the sentence
CAE Vocabulary Dream Job
Match up
Numbers 1-10
CAE/CPE Personality
Speaking cards
CAE Speaking Student A
Speaking cards
CAE U13 healthy discussion
Speaking cards
CAE Match Expressions
Match up