Emotions Feelings and
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10,000+ results for 'emotions feelings and'
Adjectives with prepositions (Go Getter 2 3.5)
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How are they feeling now?
Image quiz
Feelings and Emotions
Matching pairs
Pleasant and unpleasant feelings (B2-C1)
Group sort
Feelings B2
Complete the sentence
What do they feel? Why?
Open the box
Guess feelings and emotions
Image quiz
Feelings and emotions
Speaking cards
IC ex.4 Feelings
Labelled diagram
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Feelings and Emotions Speaking
Speaking cards
Feelings and Emotions Speaking
Spin the wheel
Feelings and emotions
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emotions and feelings(1)
Find the match
Feelings and emotions. Label
Labelled diagram
Emotions and feelings
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IC Feelings and Emotions True or False?
True or false
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Emotions & feelings - Find the match
Find the match
Open the box
ff2 unit 2 feelings
Speaking cards
FF2 Unit 2
FF Starter Unit 5 Feelings (he's / she's)
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Emotions & feelings (kids, A1) Memory
Matching pairs
FF Starter Unit 5 Feelings 2
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FF Starter Feelings
Find the match
Emotions & feelings (kids, A1) Find the match
Find the match
Feelings and Emotions
Find the match
2A. Feelings and emotions
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Feelings and Emotions
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Emotions & feelings (kids, A1) Flashcards (one-sided)
Speaking cards
Feelings emotions
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Feelings (по песенке This is a happy face)
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Family and friends 2 Unit 2 Dialogue
Labelled diagram
BE + feelings
Speaking cards
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Unit 2A. Feelings and emotions
Emotional reading
Speaking cards
Image quiz
Find the match
Complete the sentence
Match up
Match up
How are they?
Spin the wheel
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Flip tiles
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
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