
English / ESL Grammar

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8B - Reported speech
8B - Reported speech Speaking cards
 Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C)
Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C) Speaking cards
Have got/has got
Have got/has got Quiz
Family, possessive 's
Family, possessive 's Labelled diagram
Regular verbs in Past Simple
Regular verbs in Past Simple Quiz
Outcomes Elementary Past questions
Outcomes Elementary Past questions Spin the wheel
Action and state verbs (Int)
Action and state verbs (Int) Quiz
Irregular Verbs (easy)
Irregular Verbs (easy) Speaking cards
some any no
some any no Quiz
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions Speaking cards
Present Simple + Continious  elementary
Present Simple + Continious elementary Quiz
Present Simple/Present Continuous Rules
Present Simple/Present Continuous Rules Group sort
Find the Present Simple markers
Find the Present Simple markers Wordsearch
Inside Out 1
Inside Out 1 Unjumble
Unit 4C - SOME+/ANY+/NO+
Unit 4C - SOME+/ANY+/NO+ Quiz
Do/Does Present Simple questions
Do/Does Present Simple questions Quiz
PresentPerfect VS PastSimple
PresentPerfect VS PastSimple Quiz
Present Simple sentences.
Present Simple sentences. Unjumble
Present Simple Special questions
Present Simple Special questions Flash cards
Present Simple vs Present Continious
Present Simple vs Present Continious Complete the sentence
Make sentenses.
Make sentenses. Unjumble
Present Continuous & household chores
Present Continuous & household chores Quiz
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3)
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3) Spin the wheel
EF elementary 4B grammar, prepositions of time and place
EF elementary 4B grammar, prepositions of time and place Complete the sentence
To be - am, is, are
To be - am, is, are Quiz
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Speaking cards
Intermediate placement test
Intermediate placement test Quiz
Super minds 3 - Past Simple: regular/irregular
Super minds 3 - Past Simple: regular/irregular Match up
What do you remember? (Past Simple for adults)
What do you remember? (Past Simple for adults) Spin the wheel
Irregular Verbs Part 1
Irregular Verbs Part 1 Speaking cards
Past Tenses (Simple/Perfect/Continuous)
Past Tenses (Simple/Perfect/Continuous) Match up
Demonstratives Group sort
Solutions Pre 3A Aspects
Solutions Pre 3A Aspects Find the match
Solutions PI 7A
Solutions PI 7A Match up
Numbers 11-20 / Hangman
Numbers 11-20 / Hangman Hangman
Present Simple and Present Progressive
Present Simple and Present Progressive Quiz
Food: countable/uncountable
Food: countable/uncountable True or false
Speaking "to Infinitive vs -ing" B1
Speaking "to Infinitive vs -ing" B1 Spin the wheel
Question words
Question words Quiz
SpeakOut Intermed. Grammar. 8.1
SpeakOut Intermed. Grammar. 8.1 Complete the sentence
Oxford Discover - Unit 1 - Grammar - to be
Oxford Discover - Unit 1 - Grammar - to be Quiz
Markers of Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple
Markers of Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple Group sort
Third Conditional - Critisism for Past Mistakes
Third Conditional - Critisism for Past Mistakes Open the box
Regular Plurals
Regular Plurals Group sort
Question words (who/whose/what/which)
Question words (who/whose/what/which) Complete the sentence
Prepare 3 unit 14 - Present Perfect Simple with yet/already/just
Prepare 3 unit 14 - Present Perfect Simple with yet/already/just Quiz
Past Simple and Past Progressive
Past Simple and Past Progressive Open the box
Comparatives Match up
to be: it, he, she
to be: it, he, she Quiz
Shall we...? How about...?
Shall we...? How about...? Quiz
 BI2 u1 to be p2
BI2 u1 to be p2 Quiz
BI2 u1 to be
BI2 u1 to be Quiz
Mixed Grammar (GG 4 Unit 0)
Mixed Grammar (GG 4 Unit 0) Speaking cards
Never/Ever - Present Perfect
Never/Ever - Present Perfect Quiz
numbers NEF pre-intermediate
numbers NEF pre-intermediate Quiz
There is / there are
There is / there are Hangman
Some/Any Complete the sentence
Word Order in Questions
Word Order in Questions Unjumble
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