
English / ESL 8 9 basic verbs world 1

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Can/can't Open the box
Short u
Short u Speaking cards
U short and long
U short and long Group sort
Is it/ It is
Is it/ It is Quiz
Short/long u
Short/long u Speaking cards
English world 2 unit 8- Body parts
English world 2 unit 8- Body parts Anagram
English World 1_Unit 2
English World 1_Unit 2 Unjumble
Numbers 1-5
Numbers 1-5 Open the box
Numbers 1-5
Numbers 1-5 Anagram
How many? 1-5
How many? 1-5 Speaking cards
Prepositions of place (sentences 1)
Prepositions of place (sentences 1) Quiz
How many 1-10
How many 1-10 Speaking cards
Numbers 11-20 missing letters (activity 1)
Numbers 11-20 missing letters (activity 1) Quiz
to be or pronoun
to be or pronoun Quiz
Have you got? p.86 ex.2
Have you got? p.86 ex.2 Spin the wheel
Can/ Cannot
Can/ Cannot Quiz
Can it...? p. 104 practice
Can it...? p. 104 practice Quiz
What are you doing? - I'm...
What are you doing? - I'm... Quiz
Prepositions of place (sentences 2)
Prepositions of place (sentences 2) Quiz
Prepositions of place (sentences 3)
Prepositions of place (sentences 3) Quiz
Letters A-Z
Letters A-Z Speaking cards
He/She/It is ... + ing
He/She/It is ... + ing Labelled diagram
Have got / has got (activity 2)
Have got / has got (activity 2) Quiz
English World 1 Unt 7
English World 1 Unt 7 Match up
Can questions
Can questions Spin the wheel
I've got/ I haven't got/ have I got?
I've got/ I haven't got/ have I got? Unjumble
He/She/It doing ...
He/She/It doing ... Find the match
Have got/has got
Have got/has got Complete the sentence
Have got/has got + negative
Have got/has got + negative Quiz
Have/Has got questions
Have/Has got questions Unjumble
He/She/It/We/They _____ doing
He/She/It/We/They _____ doing Quiz
O sound open/close
O sound open/close Group sort
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Labelled diagram
Can sentences p. 104
Can sentences p. 104 Quiz
TH sound
TH sound Speaking cards
Characters English World (pictures)
Characters English World (pictures) Open the box
There is/There are (activity 8)
There is/There are (activity 8) Quiz
There is there are
There is there are Complete the sentence
How many (activity 6)
How many (activity 6) Quiz
There is / There are
There is / There are Complete the sentence
Grammar There is / There are
Grammar There is / There are Complete the sentence
 How many (activity 5)
How many (activity 5) Quiz
There is/There are (fruit)
There is/There are (fruit) Unjumble
There is/ there are (fruit)
There is/ there are (fruit) True or false
There is/ There are
There is/ There are Quiz
There is / There are (school objects)
There is / There are (school objects) Group sort
There is/There are   Singular vs plural Fruit ( grammar It is vs They are)
There is/There are Singular vs plural Fruit ( grammar It is vs They are) Speaking cards
How many ...are there? There are ....
How many ...are there? There are .... Find the match
English World 1_Unit 1_Colours
English World 1_Unit 1_Colours Find the match
EW1. Unit 1. Revision. Speaking.
EW1. Unit 1. Revision. Speaking. Open the box
parts of the body
parts of the body Open the box
EW 1. Unit 1. Revision. Pelmanism.
EW 1. Unit 1. Revision. Pelmanism. Matching pairs
EW1. Unit 1. Revision. Is it...? Yes/No (quiz)
EW1. Unit 1. Revision. Is it...? Yes/No (quiz) Quiz
 Oxford Phonics World 1
Oxford Phonics World 1 Quiz
Comparative Group sort
Comparative adjectives
Comparative adjectives Quiz
RE3 U2 posessives
RE3 U2 posessives Quiz
Unit 8 poster 8
Unit 8 poster 8 Find the match
House + objects
House + objects Labelled diagram
Slowly/ quickly/ quitly/ loudly
Slowly/ quickly/ quitly/ loudly Quiz
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