
Idioms technology

Examples from our community

7,719 results for 'idioms technology'

Technology idioms
Technology idioms Find the match
Idioms Surprise
Idioms Surprise Match up
Idiom quiz
Idiom quiz Quiz
Food Idioms
Food Idioms Quiz
Idioms Head Part 2
Idioms Head Part 2 Find the match
Lose and Lost Idioms
Lose and Lost Idioms Match up
Spotlight 8 Module 1 D | Idioms
Spotlight 8 Module 1 D | Idioms Complete the sentence
Idioms Unit 3.2
Idioms Unit 3.2 Spin the wheel
Idioms Communication
Idioms Communication Match up
Personality idioms
Personality idioms Match up
Technology Anagram
Technology Match up
technology Match up
technology Find the match
Technology Speaking cards
Technology Complete the sentence
Technology Spin the wheel
Technology Open the box
Idioms Horse 2
Idioms Horse 2 Match up
Idioms Life and Death 2
Idioms Life and Death 2 Complete the sentence
Idiom for a warm up
Idiom for a warm up Hangman
Idioms U101 Lose and Lost
Idioms U101 Lose and Lost Find the match
Money idioms
Money idioms Complete the sentence
Talking about technology
Talking about technology Spin the wheel
Food idioms
Food idioms Matching pairs
Using technology (cards)
Using technology (cards) Speaking cards
Love idioms
Love idioms Match up
Idioms 6.2 Speakout Upper
Idioms 6.2 Speakout Upper Find the match
Money idioms
Money idioms Quiz
Relationship idioms
Relationship idioms Find the match
Match the halves to make proverbs with relative clauses!
Match the halves to make proverbs with relative clauses! Match up
Food idioms.
Food idioms. Quiz
Technology Anagram
Technology Crossword
Technology Match up
Idioms for people
Idioms for people Labelled diagram
unit 11.3 voc Speakout Pre-intermediate
unit 11.3 voc Speakout Pre-intermediate Group sort
Gateway B2+ U1 Body idioms and human interaction
Gateway B2+ U1 Body idioms and human interaction Match up
The Future is Now (Prepare 5 - Unit 9)
The Future is Now (Prepare 5 - Unit 9) Find the match
Unit 11.1 Speakout Pre-intermediate
Unit 11.1 Speakout Pre-intermediate Complete the sentence
everyday technology
everyday technology Spin the wheel
Technology - EGE
Technology - EGE Speaking cards
3.1 Technology
3.1 Technology Wordsearch
GG2 Technology 3.1
GG2 Technology 3.1 Labelled diagram
Technology discussion
Technology discussion Speaking cards
Idioms.personality. Quiz
Idioms about work
Idioms about work Find the match
Travel/adventure collocations
Travel/adventure collocations Complete the sentence
FF3 U3 Our things + technology
FF3 U3 Our things + technology Matching pairs
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