Intermediate ing form
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'intermediate ing form'
Infinitive/-ing form
-ed vs -ing adjectives
Complete the sentence
Speaking: -ed/-ing
Speaking cards
Ed/ing adjectives flash cards speaking
Flash cards
Focus 2. Unit 1 Verb+infinitive or ing form
Open the box
Ing form/ (to) infinitive
Group sort
Form the -ing verbs
Group sort
-ing form/ to-infinitive
Group sort
-ing form/ to-infinitive
Group sort
Speaking practice. Adjectives -ed/-ing
Speaking cards
EF beginner 8B V+ing form
Group sort
Ing form /to infinitive
Complete the sentence
Infinitive/ing form
Adjectives -ed/-ing
Find the match
7E Verb + infinitive or -ing form
Group sort
City or country speaking
Speaking cards
EGE 32-38 ( confusing words) - 10
Complete the sentence
Unit 8 -ed or -ing
Spin the wheel
EGE 32-38 (confusing words) - 4
Complete the sentence
Match up
EGE 32-38 (confusing words) - 8
Complete the sentence
EGE 32-38 ( confusing words) - 9
Complete the sentence
Group sort
EGE 32-38 ( confusing words) - 7
Complete the sentence
-ing form
Gameshow quiz
Halloween quiz
NEF3_PI_7B_ing vs ing_finish the sentences
Speaking cards
I wish / if only
Match up
Phrasal verbs ( look)
Match up
Phrasal Verbs mix 2
Match up
IC -ed/-ing questions
Speaking cards
Match up
Present Continuous (add am, is, are)
Complete the sentence
Intermediate Solutions 1a
Speaking cards
English File Intermediate 8B
Speaking cards
Future outcomes intermediate
Match up