Key for schools
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'key for schools'
KET - Present Perfect for/since
Group sort
KET - Present Perfect for/since
Complete the sentence
KET - Present Perfect for/ since - speaking
Flip tiles
KET - Unit 11 Speaking part 1 (SB p. 71)
Speaking cards
Verb phrases (KET)
Furniture, things in the house
Match up
Complete the sentence
How long have you ...
Speaking cards
PET Speaking part 1
Speaking cards
Complete KEY for school Unit 1
This/these/that/those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
Labelled diagram
Linking words (Oxford grammar for schools 5)
Gameshow quiz
FCE Speaking/Food
Speaking cards
Group countables and uncountables
Group sort
KET - The natural world (definitions)
Find the match
Complete for schools FCE Unit 1 (make/do)
Group sort
Computers questions
Spin the wheel
Group sort
Body parts
KET - Part 4 practice - Where I live
Complete the sentence
Verb phrases (KET)
Speaking part 1
Flip tiles
Rooms in the house
Match up
Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools)
Speaking cards
PET - Speaking Part 2 (music)
Flip tiles
PET - Unit 8 Personality Adjectives
Matching pairs
Prepare 2 - Unit 9 clothes and fashion
Flash cards
Match up
These/Those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
Labelled diagram
Unit 12_Negative prefixes
Group sort
Moods and Feelings (Prepare 4)
Group sort
KET for schools RW7
FCE Complete for schools Festivals
Speaking cards
Oxford Grammar for schools Irregular
Complete the sentence
PET Describing people negative prefixes
Group sort
PET Unit 8 Order of Adjectives
True or false
PET Clothes (verbs)
Complete the sentence
Complete FCE for Schools Unit 1 adjectives
Group sort
PET - Unit 8 Phrasal verbs
Complete the sentence
Fun for movers U7 C
Complete the sentence
Fun for movers unit 6d
Group sort
Fun for movers U7 B
Match up
Fun for movers U7 A
Match up
ex. 2
Match up
Speaking Part 1 (Complete B1 for schools)
Spin the wheel
Fun for movers Unit 7 E
Labelled diagram
Ex. 7
Complete the sentence