New total
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'new total'
speaking movers
Spin the wheel
Speaking - opinions for discussion - "Books/films"
Speaking cards
Reported Speech
Let's talk about food...
Speaking cards
Labelled diagram
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Spin the wheel
Have got (questions)
Open the box
Past Simple Answer the Questions
Open the box
I wish... / If only... (NTE Int 10.1)
Speaking cards
Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Open the box
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3)
Spin the wheel
Third conditional
Open the box
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Speaking cards
Match up
Past tenses
Phrasal Verbs [1]
Present Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Open the box
NTE pre-int 7 lead-in
Speaking cards
Modal Verbs (Obligation and Ability)
Open the box
Speaking cards
Jobs and Work (Speaking)
Speaking cards
Modifying Comparatives (NTE Upper 2.3)
Speaking cards
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2)
Speaking cards
Matchmaker (NTE Inter Communication 1)
Flip tiles
Question Words
Spin the wheel
Answer the question (NTE Upper 1.1)
Spin the wheel
Types of Rooms
Labelled diagram
Relations (NTE Inter 1.1)
Going out (NTE Pre 1.1 ex. 4)
Group sort
Likes and Dislikes (NTE Pre 1.1)
Open the box
Music (NTE Pre 2.1)
Match up
Phrasal Verbs (NTE Int 10.3 ex. 3)
Match up
--used to / would--
Describe the Country (NTE Elem 5.3; Modifiers)
Speaking cards
New English file beginner things
Find the match
Common verbs New English File
Spin the wheel
Fun Transport Facts
True or false
New Year's resolutions ideas
Group sort
New Year Questionnaire
Spin the wheel
New Year Quiz
Father Frost VS Santa Claus
Group sort
New Year celebration
Match up
New Year Presents
Group sort
New Year Presents
Group sort
New Year Speaking Prompts
Open the box
Use new vocabulary 23+should
Match up
New English File Elementary: Clothes
Match up
Holidays (NTE Int 6 Lead-in)
Speaking cards