Pet cambridge 2020
Examples from our community
2,271 results for 'pet cambridge 2020'
a / the / no article
What are they doing?
Labelled diagram
Gerund/Infinitive (Compact PET 2020)
PET Synonyms Phrase
Match up
Feelings. PET
Match up
PET Collocations make, do, have, take
Group sort
PET collocations
Group sort
Complex Object 1: Pronouns
Speaking cards
PET speaking
Spin the wheel
Tools (PET)
Labelled diagram
Clothes (PET)
Find the match
Answer the questions (PET)
Speaking cards
Linkers for PET
Open the box
Labelled diagram
PET discussion
Group sort
PET prepositions
Find the match
Past tenses Time markers
Group sort
Match up
Speech Verbs PET
Match up
Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools)
Speaking cards
Natural Disasters
Describing objects
Spin the wheel
Have something done
too, too much, too many, enough B1
Win or lose quiz
Preliminary Speaking Part 3 and 4
Group sort
End-of-summer questions for YLE Movers/Flyers
Open the box
Will/be going to .
Fce Speaking part 1
Speaking cards
B1 preliminary: conversation questions
Spin the wheel
Reading Part 4 Test 1 Training Pet
Group sort
Travel Speaking
Spin the wheel
linkers for ESSAYS
Adverbs vs Adjectives
True or false
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2
Labelled diagram
Furniture, things in the house
Match up
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Spin the wheel
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2
Labelled diagram
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2
Labelled diagram
Natural Places
Reported Speech
Spin the wheel
Preliminary Speaking Part1
Spin the wheel
Match up
FCE Speaking part 1 Leasure activities and hobbies
Spin the wheel
Gerunds and infinitives - Gateway B1+
Complete the sentence