English / ESL Pre intermediate
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'english pre intermediate'
English File Pre-Intermediate 3A
Match up
English File Pre-intermediate 3A
Flash cards
9A animals pre-intermediate
Speaking cards
EF Pre-intermediate 6A Communicative
Open the box
EF pre-intermediate 4th 1B
Complete the sentence
English File pre-intermediate - 1C - Clothes (T/F)
True or false
EF Pre-Intermediate: At the pharmacy
Speaking cards
Navigate Pre-Intermediate 1.1
Group sort
English File Pre-inter unit 1 - 2
Open the box
english file pre-inter 3B verbs+prepostitions
Speaking cards
English file Pre-inter 3B Prepositions Activation
Speaking cards
EF Pre-Intermediate (at/in/on)
English File Pre-Int 3A
Match up
English File Pre Int 2A
Group sort
english file pre inter 7B
Spin the wheel
EF Pre-int 2A Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
Spin the wheel
English File Pre-Int 4A
Speaking cards
English File Pre-Int 4A
Labelled diagram
English File Pre-Int 3 VB
Group sort
English File Pre Int 3C
Spin the wheel
4B pre shopping questions
Speaking cards
Enflish File Pre-Int 2A
Match up
English File Pre-Int 4B VB
Match up
EF pre 11B phrasal verbs1
Match up
English File pre-int - Unit 6C - Talk about it.
Spin the wheel
Pre-int 6B verb+back
Match up
EF Pre-Int Unit 5 grammar
True or false
EF Pre-Int Unit 8 (get)
Speaking cards
Adverbs of manner
Speaking cards
Unit 4C - Ed/ing adjectives questions
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Complete the sentence
EF PI 6A Opposite verbs
Flip tiles
Group sort
1B Appearance
Speaking cards
Match up
7c adjectives + prepositions
Open the box
Complete the sentence
1C - Correct
Speaking cards
English File pre-intermediate - Unit 9A - Animals
Speaking cards
2A - Irregular verbs
Match up
(Unit 2C) Collocations
Match up
4B Vocabulary "Shopping"
Unit 3B - What's the preposition?
True or false
8A_Phrases with 'get'
Find the match
10A Expressing movement
Labelled diagram