Preliminary for schools
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'preliminary for schools'
How long have you ...
Speaking cards
PET Speaking part 1
Speaking cards
PET - Speaking Part 2 (music)
Flip tiles
PET - Unit 8 Personality Adjectives
Matching pairs
Unit 12_Negative prefixes
Group sort
KET - Present Perfect for/since
Group sort
KET - Present Perfect for/since
Complete the sentence
KET - Present Perfect for/ since - speaking
Flip tiles
Furniture, things in the house
Match up
Complete the sentence
Moods and Feelings (Prepare 4)
Group sort
KET - Unit 11 Speaking part 1 (SB p. 71)
Speaking cards
Linking words (Oxford grammar for schools 5)
Gameshow quiz
FCE Speaking/Food
Speaking cards
This/these/that/those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
Labelled diagram
PET Describing people negative prefixes
Group sort
Complete for schools FCE Unit 1 (make/do)
Group sort
PET Unit 8 Order of Adjectives
True or false
PET Clothes (verbs)
Complete the sentence
PET - Unit 8 Phrasal verbs
Complete the sentence
Rooms in the house
Match up
Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools)
Speaking cards
Verb phrases (KET)
Verb phrases (KET)
These/Those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
Labelled diagram
Match up
EGE Unit 6 Science and technology
Match up
KET for schools RW7
Warm-up for B1 Preliminary
Open the box
FCE Complete for schools Festivals
Speaking cards
Gerund/Infinitive (Compact PET 2020)
Complete KEY for school Unit 1
PET for schools vocabulary unit 1
Match up
Oxford Grammar for schools Irregular
Complete the sentence
Computers questions
Spin the wheel
KET - The natural world (definitions)
Find the match
Group countables and uncountables
Group sort
KET - Part 4 practice - Where I live
Complete the sentence
Body parts
Group sort
Complete FCE for Schools Unit 1 adjectives
Group sort
Preliminary Speaking Part1
Spin the wheel
Fun for movers U7 B
Match up
Speaking part 1
Flip tiles
Fun for movers unit 6d
Group sort
Fun for movers U7 C
Complete the sentence
Fun for movers U7 A
Match up