Examples from our community
125 results for 'reason'

Complete the sentence (purpose, contrast, reason...)
Speaking cards

Reason and result

Reason and Consequences
Match up

Clauses of Concession / Reason/Perpose/Result
Complete the sentence

EF Pre-inter Unit 7A Verbs+to (reason)
Flash cards

Connecting words (reason and contrast)
Complete the sentence

PET -writing an email-reason links
Gameshow quiz

Clauses of reason, contrast and purpose
Group sort

Clauses of reason
Speaking cards

purpose result reason upper

Linkers of contrast and reason
Speaking cards

Group sort

Reaction / Reason
Speaking cards

reason result
Speaking cards

Reason clauses
Speaking cards

A reason for everything
Open the box

Instinct and reason
Match up

Reason and result
Match up

Clauses of reason
Speaking cards

'I, robot', Reason
Flash cards

Reason and consequences
Find the match

Group sort

Instinct and reason (practice)
Complete the sentence

Reason and result - Nature
Spin the wheel

Unit 3B. Reason clause

Showing the reason

prepositions of reason
Match up

Linking Words (result, reason)
Complete the sentence

Explain the reason
Speaking cards

Instinct and Reason (discussion)
Open the box

Instict vs Reason dilemmas
Flash cards

Linkers of contrast, reason
Open the box

* Instinct and reason
Labelled diagram

Instinct and reason
Match up

for some inexplicable reason
Flash cards

Linkers Reason&result
Open the box

Reason anf Contrast (F2F)
Group sort

clauses reason/purpose
Group sort

Clauses of reason

Linkers of reason and contrast
Speaking cards

G16 reason cause effect stB

Linking words Contrast Reason Result
Group sort

IELTS Reason and result structures
Match up

Apologise and give a reason
Open the box

Participle clauses to express reason
Speaking cards

Past Perfect. Explain the reason
Spin the wheel

Clauses of REASON and CONTRAST
Group sort

G16 reason cause effect stA

Expressing purpose, reason and result
Spin the wheel

Clauses of Concession / Reason/Result
Complete the sentence
linkers of reason and result
Match up
green issues - cause and reason
Match up