Spotlight 5 Elementary
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'spotlight 5 elementary'
Spotlight 5 Unit 5 Insects
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Starlight 5 family word p 54
Spotlight 5 Module 1
Complete the sentence
Present Simple Quizz
Spotlight 5 unit 4a FAMILY
Match up
Spotlight 6 Unit 5 Do or make
True or false
Spotlight 5 6B At work
Labelled diagram
articles A / AN with school objects
True or false
Spotlight 5 Unit 6c
Find the match
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Open the box
At the Airport part 1
Match up
Solutions Elem 2A
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spotlight 5 module 4
Group sort
days of the week
Spotlight 5 WB 7a
Complete the sentence
Numbers 1-10
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Spotlight 3 Weather / anagram
Spotlight 6 Module 5d Culture Corner
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Taj Mahal. Spotlight 5
Match up
Spotlight 5 Dress right
Flying fruit
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Spotlight 5 Unit 2a Countries and Nationalities
Flash cards
Irregular verbs 3
Match up
FAMILY spotlight
Speaking cards
Irregular verbs in Past Simple - Part 2
Irregular verbs in Past Simple - Part 1
elementary unit 5
Match up
Spotlight 6. Must, mustn't, can't (Unit 8A)
Complete the sentence
Spotlight 5 Unit 5 Insects
Matching pairs
Spotlioght 5 Module 5a
Match up
Spotlight 5 Unit 5 Animals Group Sort
Group sort
Spotlight 5 Unit 5 All animals
Match up
Spotlight Module 5
Find the match
Spotlight Module 5 Grammar
Spotlight 5 Unit 5 All animals
Match up
sp.5 Move in!
Spotlight 6 Unit 6b games
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Spotlight 5 unit 5 parts of animals
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Spolight 5 Module 4 Appearance
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Starlight 5. Language Review 5.
Match up
to be in Past Simple (+,-,?)
Maze chase
Pankrat Prepositions
Complete the sentence (purpose, contrast, reason...)
Speaking cards
Food Containers
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b
Speaking cards
There is/ There are
Complete the sentence
Find the match
Spotlight Module 5 Unit 9a
Comparative DEGREE
Speaking cards
Group sort