Взрослые Adjectives
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10,000+ results for 'взрослые adjectives'
Beginner Unit 1-2 Possessive adjectives
Complete the sentence
Unit 2. About town. Adjectives
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Transport Speaking Adjectives Speak Out
Open the box
Solutions 1A vocabulary
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Compare adjectives
Complete the sentence
Life Elementary Unit 2 Adjectives
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Life Elementary Unit 2 Adjectives
Complete the sentence
Adjectives / SO starter unit 6 video voc
Flip tiles
Outcomes Intemidiate Unit 4 Grammar
Spin the wheel
Мебель. Точка Ру А1
Matching pairs
Synonyms - Feelings-Advanced
Matching pairs
EF Unit 2C: feelings (speaking)
Speaking cards
Funny questions for ice-breaker
Spin the wheel
NEF Intermediate 3rd edition Dependent prepositions extra activity
Complete the sentence
Make a sentence using Past simple and Continuous
Speaking cards
Les taches menageres
NEF Upper-intermediate 3A Air travel
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Unit 6.2 SpeakOut Starter
Open the box
1st Conditional
Speaking cards
EF Elementary (Unit 2A: vocabulary)
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Les taches menageres
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Speaking: first lesson after New Year holidays
Spin the wheel
Dans mon cartable
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EF EL 7C vocab go\have\get
Spin the wheel
Go/Do/Play sports
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EF Elementary - Daily Routine
3C Relative clause
Jobs and Work (Speaking)
Speaking cards
It takes me ... to have breakfast
Spin the wheel
Outcomes Elementary Unit 3 Vocabulary
Labelled diagram
Bg Unit 1-3 to be / not to be
Group sort
Bienvenue chez moi! Ma maison
Labelled diagram
Ice-breaker PI
Speaking cards
What's happened?
Speaking cards
Ice-breaker Activity
Speaking cards
Passé composé avec avoir ou etre
Complete the sentence
3rd Conditional
Speaking cards
Crime and Punishment
Gameshow quiz
What will you do if...
Speaking cards
Passive voice
Open the box
0, 1 and 2 conditionals + time clauses
Speaking cards
Outcomes Elementary Unit 3 Vocabulary
Group sort
Past memories (used to)
Open the box
Unit 5B: speaking (describing a town)
Open the box
Natale e Capodanno
Spin the wheel