Дорослі English / ESL File pre interm units 1 4
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English File Pre-interm, Units 1-4
Speaking cards
English File pre-intermediate 4A
Open the box
English File Pre-Interm 3A Reading
Complete the sentence
English File Pre-Intermediate Unit 2A Holidays
Open the box
Solutions Pre-Interm 1C
Match up
EF Pre-intermediate 1С Clothes
EF Pre-int. 3B Prepositions
Complete the sentence
Appearance, speaking 1B, EF pre-int
Speaking cards
Speakout Pre-Interm Irregular Verbs 1
Flash cards
Superlative adjectives questions
Speaking cards
Used to
Speaking cards
Ice-breaker for elementary
Spin the wheel
Appearance, revision, EF 1B
Find the match
EF Pre-Intermediate, unit 1B, Appearance
Flip tiles
English File Interm Money Prepositions
Open the box
English File/Pre-inter 1B
Open the box
Pre-inter English File 3A
Flash cards
EF PI U4A Make or Do
Group sort
English File Upper 2B Vocab.bank 1
Match up
Prepositions New English File pre-intermediate
Complete the sentence
EF Pre Unit 2A Vocabulary
So/Neither make up sentences Pre-int, 11C
Speaking cards
4C Something, anything, nothing
Flash cards
Prepositions EF A2 3B
Complete the sentence
English file Beginner Unit 1
English File Elementary Unit 1
Match up
English File 2B Vocab.bank 2
Match up
English File beginner jobs
Speaking cards
English File. Intermediate. Unit 3B
Speaking cards
English File beginner possessive pronouns
Speaking cards
English File 3rd Pre-intermediate
Speaking cards
Clothes English File Pre-intermediate
Find the match
English File 4th Elementary 5A
Match up
Complete the questions (AmEF2)
Complete the sentence
English file conditional 1
Match up
English File 3A-3B Prepositions
Open the box
english file interm unit 8A
Complete the sentence
English File Advanced 1
Speaking cards
English File Intermediate. Dependent Prepositions, after verbs
Complete the sentence
Adverbs upper English file 3B
Speaking cards
English File Pre-Intermediate Unit 1
Verb patterns English-file pre-intermediate
Group sort
New English File Pre-Intermediate 1A
New English file Pre-intermediate Unit 1A
Speaking cards
English File 4 Personality 1
Match up
Sentence race Time sequencers and connectors
Open the box
English File Upper Unit 1
Match up