Немецкий schritte a2
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Ein Spiel zu den Sätzen mit wenn und dass. Schritte A2
Speaking cards
Wortschatz. Lektion 7. Schritte International neu A2.1
Speaking cards
Sein (A1)
Find the match
Die Endungen im Präsens (A1)
Complete the sentence
Sprechen (A2)
Spin the wheel
Wortschatz. Lektion 6. Schritte International neu A2.1
Speaking cards
Fragen über Weihnachten
Flash cards
Schritte 5 L1
Complete the sentence
Die Personalpronomen (A1)
Mögen (A1)
Sein, heißen (A1)
Complete the sentence
Verkehrsmittel + mit
Sprechen - Verkehrsmittel
Speaking cards
Sprechen Perfekt (Spektrum A1, K6)
Speaking cards
Too, not ... enough, (not) as ... as
Complete the sentence
Too,not enough
Flip tiles
Daily routine speaking (English A2)
Speaking cards
Roadmap A2 Unit 1 Wh-questions card
Flash cards
wegen + Genitiv
Spin the wheel
Comparatives Roadmap A2
Speaking cards
Vergleichen Sie - als / wie
Flash cards
Roadmap, A2+, unit 2C, food
Labelled diagram
Sprechen - Wetter
Speaking cards
Roadmap A2+, unit 2C
Find the match
Roadmap, A2+, unit 2A feelings
Match up
Roadmap A2. unit 4. Review
Speaking cards
Roadmap A2 Unit 2A
Speaking cards
Weihnachten. Sprechen
Flash cards
Richtig oder falsch?
True or false
Bilden Sie Sätze im Perfekt. Spektrum A1, K6
Flash cards
Winterfeiertage in Deutschland
Complete the sentence
Im Restaurant. Spektrum A1, K5
Complete the sentence
Flash cards
RoadMap A2. 9A Health problems
Flip tiles
Roadmap A2 (3A speaking)
Spin the wheel
Roadmap A2 (3A vocab practice)
Find the match
Roadmap A2+ (Unit 3A - Comparatives)
Open the box
Roadmap A2 (present simple forms)
Complete the sentence
Roadmap A2 (2B vocab)
Match up
Lektion 9 (Menschen A2.1) Arbeit und Beruf
Complete the sentence
Roadmap A2+ (Unit 3 revision)
Open the box
Roadmap, A2+, unit 1C, vocabulary everyday activities
Labelled diagram
Roadmap A2+, unit 2A, Past Simple questions
Spin the wheel
Roadmap A2+, unit 1A, be do does/speaking
Speaking cards
School things Get Set Go 1
Das wetter (A2)
seit / vor
Flash cards