Початкова освіта English / ESL Super safari 2
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10,000+ results for 'початкова освіта english super safari 2'
Reading 3 (sound a)
Match up
Reading 4 (sound e)
Match up
Super Safari 2. Hello unit. guessing
Flip tiles
Smart Junior 2. Module 2
Speaking cards
Have got/has got
Smart Junior 2. Module 5.
Matching pairs
Fly High 2 (L9 Grammar)
Match up
Smart Junior 2. Module 2а
Matching pairs
Fly High 2 (Lesson 13)
Opposites (Fly High U 1-12)
Match up
М. Савка "Босоніжки для Стоніжки"
Complete the sentence
Smart Junior 2. 1b
Find the match
Smart Junior 2. 1b
Matching pairs
Таблиця множення на 2
Labelled diagram
Smart Junior 2. Food .Module 7a
Super minds 2. Zoo
Quick Minds 2. Unit 5. Off we go
Complete the sentence
Wild animals
Match up
smart junior 2 Unit 6 Town
Match up
What animal is it?
Labelled diagram
Smart junior 2 Unit 5 Animals
Where is it?
Unit 1 At school. Label the objects
Labelled diagram
Long and short a
Group sort
Numbers and School Things
Find the match
Ознака предмета
Find the match
Алгоритм. Казка "Колобок"
Match up
Fly high2. Lesson 11
True or false
Предмет-ознака (іменник-прикметник)
Group sort
Clothes Unscramble the words
Watch and memorize
Таблиця множення числа 3
Labelled diagram
Match up
Таблиця множення на 5
Labelled diagram
Numbers 11-20
Таблиця множення на 3
Amusement park
Find the match
M8. Clothes. He is wearing...
Labelled diagram
M8. Clothes. Game for Lesson A
Labelled diagram
Team Together 2 Unit 3 Vocabulary
Match up
Fly High 2. Unit 14
There is/are
F and F 2 Unit 6 reading
Complete the sentence
FH2 Superboy
Speaking cards
M8. Clothes. He/she is wearing...
True or false
Possessive adjectives
Match up
Таблиця множення числа 2
Spin the wheel
Smart Junior 2. Module 1a
Parts of the body
Fly High 2 (Lesson 10)
Match up