11 клас English / ESL Vocabulary
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Christmas Vocabulary picture
Labelled diagram
OET B1 unit 1
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives
Flash cards
He / She is wearing .....
Find the match
Present Simple and Present Continuous Questions
Spin the wheel
Places in the town
Find the match
Days of the week
Match up
Focus 2. Unit 1.1 Vocabulary
Find the match
Daily routines collocations
Match up
Clothes. Part 2 (Karpiuk 2, NUS)
Find the match
Oxford exam trainer B2 unit 1
Complete the sentence
Past perfect
Past Perfect
Speaking cards
Oxford exam trainer B1 unit 8
Group sort
Past perfect
Parts of the body
Find the match
Speaking questions (to know each other)
Spin the wheel
Personal adjectives
Warm up
Spin the wheel
Warm up
Spin the wheel
1-10 numbers
Days of the week
Speaking questions (adults)
Spin the wheel
And; But; So; Because
Spin the wheel
Real Life. Elementary. Unit 1. Present Simple questions
Spin the wheel
Nature speaking
Open the box
Past Continuous Questions
Speaking cards
Focus 2 Unit 1.1 Vocabulary
Match up
Warm up house
Warm up food
ED/ING Adjectives Speaking
Spin the wheel
Questions Past Simple /Continuous
Spin the wheel
Practice 3
Complete the sentence
That's amazing. Vocabulary
CLOTHES - speaking
Spin the wheel
SJ4 M5 Vocabulary
Flip tiles
Texting abbreviations
Flip tiles
Already VS Yet
Complete the sentence
Warm-up gerund/infinitive 2
Speaking cards
Future forms practice
Complete the sentence
Group sort
Whose/ Possessive's
Flash cards
Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous
Spin the wheel
Christmas / New Year Phrasal Verbs
Match up
Full Blast 5 Module 4A Home sweet home
Labelled diagram
Free-time activities
Find the match
BR PI U1 Companies
Complete the sentence
Roadmap A2. unit 4. Review
Speaking cards
FF 3 unit 1 Countries
Match up