3 клас Англійська мова Past Simple
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10,000+ results for '3 клас англійська past simple'
Did you...?
Past Simple Yes/No Questions
Speaking cards
Did someone... SJ3
Вправа 2
Simple past
Gameshow quiz
What did you do yesterday?
Spin the wheel
Smart Junior 3. Unit 8. Project.
Complete the sentence
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Flash cards
Present Simple vs Past Simple key words
Group sort
Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 1
Match up
Показники часів
Spin the wheel
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Speaking cards
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading.
Complete the sentence
moning routine 2/2
Matching pairs
Present Simple or Past Simple
Speaking cards
BEP3 Unit 5 Was/were
Complete the sentence
Speaking Present simple, present continuous та past simple
Speaking cards
Past Simple Negative
Flash cards
Past Simple (Smart Junior 3)
What did they do?
Flash cards
Unit 20. Past Simple Negatives
Flip tiles
Present Simple or Continuous
Flash cards
Past simple questions
Spin the wheel
Smart Junior 3.Past Simple
Complete the sentence
Past Simple Smart Junior 3 Unit 8
Group sort
Irregular Verbs
past simple, irregular verbs, negatives
Complete the sentence
Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 2
Match up
Go getter 3. Unit 1.3 Hamster Pr Simple / Continuous Hamster
Find the match
Fly High 3 Lesson 5
Complete the sentence
Present Simple
Irregular verbs Movers
Past simple
Match up
Was were
Past simple regular verbs
Spin the wheel
smart junior 3 mod 8 past negative
smart junior 3 unit 8 verbs past present
Group sort
Past simple
past simple, regular verbs
Matching pairs
past simple
Fly high 3. Unit 23
Matching pairs
Adverbs of frequency present simple
Past Simple regular verbs
Speaking cards
Animals parts
Find the match