
English / ESL 4th grade

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Academy Stars 3 - Unit 1 - Subjects
Academy Stars 3 - Unit 1 - Subjects Find the match
Academy Stars 3 (Unit 3 Anagram)
Academy Stars 3 (Unit 3 Anagram) Anagram
Go getter 2 - Unit 8 - be going to
Go getter 2 - Unit 8 - be going to Quiz
Past Simple 4th grade
Past Simple 4th grade Complete the sentence
Articles Quiz
Food speaking, unit 1A, EF Intermediate
Food speaking, unit 1A, EF Intermediate Speaking cards
EF Present Simple 3A
EF Present Simple 3A Quiz
EF Intermediate, 8B, Reported Speech
EF Intermediate, 8B, Reported Speech Quiz
Things in the house
Things in the house Match up
Ice-breaker for elementary
Ice-breaker for elementary Spin the wheel
EF Pre-Intermediate, unit 1B, Appearance
EF Pre-Intermediate, unit 1B, Appearance Flip tiles
Appearance, speaking 1B, EF pre-int
Appearance, speaking 1B, EF pre-int Speaking cards
Icebreaker, complete the sentences pre - intermediate
Icebreaker, complete the sentences pre - intermediate Open the box
Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past perfect
Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past perfect Quiz
Appearance, revision, EF 1B
Appearance, revision, EF 1B Find the match
Present Perfect (+/-)
Present Perfect (+/-) Quiz
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Spin the wheel
Defining, non-defining clauses
Defining, non-defining clauses Flash cards
EF elementary, Everyday objects, Unit 2A
EF elementary, Everyday objects, Unit 2A Match up
Passive voice all forms, rules
Passive voice all forms, rules Match up
Adverbs upper English file 3B
Adverbs upper English file 3B Speaking cards
Relationships EF Intermediate 5B
Relationships EF Intermediate 5B Crossword
Ice-breaker for low level
Ice-breaker for low level Speaking cards
So/Neither make up sentences Pre-int, 11C
So/Neither make up sentences Pre-int, 11C Speaking cards
EF Pre Unit 2A Vocabulary
EF Pre Unit 2A Vocabulary Hangman
EF Pre-int. 3B Prepositions
EF Pre-int. 3B Prepositions Complete the sentence
Order of the adjectives upper-int
Order of the adjectives upper-int Flash cards
Family and friends 3 Unit 3 My things
Family and friends 3 Unit 3 My things Anagram
Eng File Beginner
Eng File Beginner Open the box
To be (questions) speaking
To be (questions) speaking Spin the wheel
Rules used, be/get used to
Rules used, be/get used to Match up
EF intermediate 7B, House vocabulary
EF intermediate 7B, House vocabulary Labelled diagram
Speaking to be elem
Speaking to be elem Speaking cards
EF Intermediate, unit 8A, Gerund/Infinitive
EF Intermediate, unit 8A, Gerund/Infinitive Quiz
EF Int, 8A Vocabulary Work
EF Int, 8A Vocabulary Work Flip tiles
English File 4th Elementary 5A
English File 4th Elementary 5A Match up
Places in the town
Places in the town Match up
Birthdays Around the World - quiz (Little fox)
Birthdays Around the World - quiz (Little fox) Quiz
 Have got/has got
Have got/has got Quiz
Ice-breaker for B1+ Would you rather ... ?
Ice-breaker for B1+ Would you rather ... ? Speaking cards
EF Intermediate Plus, reading, vocabulary check 2A
EF Intermediate Plus, reading, vocabulary check 2A Match up
Say-TELL-SPEAK-TALK  (Speaking task )
Say-TELL-SPEAK-TALK (Speaking task ) Spin the wheel
EF Upper unit 3A, Past perfect or past perfect continuous
EF Upper unit 3A, Past perfect or past perfect continuous Speaking cards
EF Upper, Clothes discussion
EF Upper, Clothes discussion Flash cards
EF 2B pre-intermediate, prepositions of time
EF 2B pre-intermediate, prepositions of time Speaking cards
EF 2A, Past time phrases
EF 2A, Past time phrases Speaking cards
EF Upper-Int, unit 1B, reading
EF Upper-Int, unit 1B, reading Match up
 Warm up, Questions, Ice-breaker questions
Warm up, Questions, Ice-breaker questions Spin the wheel
EF Upper-Intermediate, unit 5A Feelings, practice
EF Upper-Intermediate, unit 5A Feelings, practice Quiz
EF Upper-Int, unit 2A, Illnesses and injuries, practice
EF Upper-Int, unit 2A, Illnesses and injuries, practice Flash cards
speaking Upper for personality traits module 1
speaking Upper for personality traits module 1 Spin the wheel
What had happened?
What had happened? Open the box
EF Upper Unit 1B compound adjectives
EF Upper Unit 1B compound adjectives Match up
EF Pre-Intermediate 4B Shopping
EF Pre-Intermediate 4B Shopping Match up
EF Pre-int. 3A vocabulary
EF Pre-int. 3A vocabulary Crossword
Fly High 2. Lessons  13- 14
Fly High 2. Lessons 13- 14 Quiz
 Oxford phonics 2 cvc a
Oxford phonics 2 cvc a Quiz
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