5 клас Go getter 3
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go getter 1 unit 1.5
Match up
Always - never GG1 Unit 6
Go getter 1. Unit 3. Furniture
Match up
Go getter 3. Unit 1. Present Simple / Continuous
Open the box
Go getter 3. Unit 3. Vocabulary
Match up
Go getter 1. Unit 3. My house
Labelled diagram
Go getter 3. Unit 4. Adverbs of manner
Speaking cards
Go getter 3. Unit 4. Communication Dialogue
Complete the sentence
Go getter 2. Unit 6.1 vocabulary jobs
Flash cards
Go getter 3. Unit 3. Past Simple. Diary
Complete the sentence
Go getter 3. Unit 2. is as...as / isn't as...as
Speaking cards
Go getter 3. Unit 2. Shopping Flashcards
Flash cards
Go getter 3. Unit 2. REVISION too, enough, as
Flash cards
Guess the animal
Match up
Go getter 3. Unit 3. QandA
Match up
Go getter 3. Unit 4. When... match
Match up
Go getter 2 unit 1
Match up
Go getter 1 unit 3.2
Labelled diagram
Go getter 3. Unit 2. Communication
Complete the sentence
Go getter 2 u1(vocab revision)
Match up
Smart Junior 3. Let's play 5
Go getter 2. Unit 7. Communication
Flash cards
Go getter 3 unit 1.1
Match up
Food Vocabulary Go Getter 2 Unit 2
Match up
Go getter 3. Unit 1. Get culture
Group sort
Present Simple Go Getter 2 Unit 1
Complete the sentence
Хто ким доводиться
go getter 1 family
Match up
Past Simple (+/-)
Причина і наслідок
Match up
Go getter 1u7(animals)
Match up
Таблиця множення та ділення на 5
Spin the wheel
moning routine 2/2
Matching pairs
Match up
Складові комп'ютера
Labelled diagram
Can you?
Spin the wheel
Do getter 3 Unit 2.1
Group sort
go getter 2 unit 3.5
Gameshow quiz
Go getter 3. Unit 4. Adverbs of manner Name...
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