
Business skills

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7,603 results for 'business skills'

Business Expressions 3
Business Expressions 3 Match up
Business Expressions 4
Business Expressions 4 Match up
Business Expressions 2
Business Expressions 2 Match up
Business Expressions 1
Business Expressions 1 Match up
Business Idioms 2. Discussion
Business Idioms 2. Discussion Spin the wheel
Small Talk
Small Talk Quiz
Business expressions 5 Test
Business expressions 5 Test Match up
Presentations Quiz
Business Idioms 1
Business Idioms 1 Match up
Business Expressions 5
Business Expressions 5 Match up
Transferable skills (1)
Transferable skills (1) Find the match
Transferable skills (2)
Transferable skills (2) Match up
BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, gap fill)
BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, gap fill) Find the match
Business Result Intermediate | unit 3
Business Result Intermediate | unit 3 Match up
Speaking | business
Speaking | business Speaking cards
 Business Speaking (Intermediate)_1
Business Speaking (Intermediate)_1 Open the box
Match the numbers
Match the numbers Match up
BR PI U1 Companies
BR PI U1 Companies Complete the sentence
Я і моє оточення
Я і моє оточення Open the box
Business Speaking cards
Business Speaking cards
Business Simple tenses speaking
Business Simple tenses speaking Speaking cards
Business speaking-2
Business speaking-2 Speaking cards
/don't use/ BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, 2)
/don't use/ BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, 2) Match up
Warm up FF3 Skills time Part 2
Warm up FF3 Skills time Part 2 Speaking cards
Gerund/infinitive (change in meaning)
Gerund/infinitive (change in meaning) Speaking cards
BP B1, U 1.2 (asking for advice card, with prompts)
BP B1, U 1.2 (asking for advice card, with prompts) Speaking cards
BP A2+ 3.1 (vocab, meaning)
BP A2+ 3.1 (vocab, meaning) Complete the sentence
BP B1, 1.1 (qualities, continue the sentence, semi)
BP B1, 1.1 (qualities, continue the sentence, semi) Speaking cards
BR UI U9 Starting up a new business
BR UI U9 Starting up a new business Labelled diagram
Monsters University Skills Time
Monsters University Skills Time Matching pairs
FF2 - Skills test - can/can't
FF2 - Skills test - can/can't Open the box
FF2 - Skills test 1 - Fluency time 1
FF2 - Skills test 1 - Fluency time 1 Quiz
BP B1, U 1.1 (skills and qualities)
BP B1, U 1.1 (skills and qualities) Spin the wheel
Speaking Business B1-B2
Speaking Business B1-B2 Spin the wheel
A trip to China
A trip to China Unjumble
Setting up a business
Setting up a business Match up
Business speaking 2
Business speaking 2 Speaking cards
BR UI U1 First impressions
BR UI U1 First impressions Match up
Business Idioms 2
Business Idioms 2 Quiz
Business  Partner C1 - Unit 4.2
Business Partner C1 - Unit 4.2 Complete the sentence
Roadmap C1 - Unit 6D
Roadmap C1 - Unit 6D Flip tiles
BR Advanced Vocab BG
BR Advanced Vocab BG Match up
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 5. Activities and skills.
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 5. Activities and skills. Match up
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