Business skills
Examples from our community
7,603 results for 'business skills'
Business Expressions 3
Match up
Business Expressions 4
Match up
Business Expressions 2
Match up
Business Expressions 1
Match up
Business Idioms 2. Discussion
Spin the wheel
Small Talk
Business expressions 5 Test
Match up
Business Idioms 1
Match up
Business Expressions 5
Match up
Transferable skills (1)
Find the match
Transferable skills (2)
Match up
BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, gap fill)
Find the match
Speaking | business
Speaking cards
Business Speaking (Intermediate)_1
Open the box
Match the numbers
Match up
BR PI U1 Companies
Complete the sentence
Я і моє оточення
Open the box
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Business Simple tenses speaking
Speaking cards
Business speaking-2
Speaking cards
Soft Skills/hard Skills
Group sort
Warm up FF3 Skills time Part 2
Speaking cards
Speaking cards. Business
Speaking cards
Gerund/infinitive (change in meaning)
Speaking cards
BP B1, U 1.2 (asking for advice card, with prompts)
Speaking cards
BP A2+ 3.1 (vocab, meaning)
Complete the sentence
BP B1, 1.1 (qualities, continue the sentence, semi)
Speaking cards
Business Idioms
Match up
Business situations
Speaking cards
Business English warm-up questions
Spin the wheel
BR UI U9 Starting up a new business
Labelled diagram
Monsters University Skills Time
Matching pairs
FF2 - Skills test - can/can't
Open the box
BP B1, U 1.1 (skills and qualities)
Spin the wheel
Speaking Business B1-B2
Spin the wheel
Business Result Pre-Intermediate
Complete the sentence
A trip to China
Setting up a business
Match up
Business speaking 2
Speaking cards
business vocabulary 1
Match up
Business Speaking Intermediate
Open the box
BR UI U1 First impressions
Match up
Business Idioms 2
Business Partner C1 - Unit 4.2
Complete the sentence
FF 3 / Skills Time/ Papyrus
Group sort
FF1. Unit 6. Skills time
Labelled diagram
Go getter 3. Unit 3/4 Skills revision
Flash cards
Roadmap C1 - Unit 6D
Flip tiles
BR Advanced Vocab BG
Match up
Business result_Intermediate Unit 9_ Logistics
Spin the wheel