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6,993 results for 'c1'

Spin the wheel

Politics | vocabulary bank c1
Labelled diagram

New Year 2022
Speaking cards

Roadmap C1 Unit 3B
Complete the sentence

Roadmap C1 Unit 1 Infinitive phrases
Complete the sentence

Roadmap C1 Unit 4D
Complete the sentence

Future tenses C1
Match up

Roadmap C1 - Unit 6D
Flip tiles

Roadmap C1 - Unit 4A
Match up

Roadmap C1 - Unit 4D
Group sort

Roadmap C1 - Unit 6C
Complete the sentence

Roadmap C1 - Unit 8A
Match up

C1 Distancing speaking EXTRA
Open the box

Outcomes C1 U2 Relationships
Match up

Roadmap C1 - Unit 2D
Match up

C1 Kommentar Redemittel
Group sort

Outcomes C1 Cleft sentences
Complete the sentence

C1. Opinions
Flash cards

Find the match

Kennenlernen C1
Speaking cards

C1: Prepositions

Business Partner C1 - Unit 4.2
Complete the sentence

Flash cards

Speaking cards

Roadmap C1 Unit 1-2A vocab list Student B
Speaking cards

Speaking work Roadmap C1 Unit 2B
Speaking cards

Roadmap C1 Unit 2A Vocab

Roadmap C1 Unit 1D
Find the match

Roadmap C1 Unit 2D
Find the match

Roadmap C1 Unit 1-2A vocab list Student A
Speaking cards

C1 Class 3 Future
Spin the wheel

Roadmap C1 Idioms 1b
Find the match

Idioms Destinations C1+C2
Match up

C1 Roadmap 1A
Match up

C1/C2 Ultralearning
Complete the sentence

Outcomes C1 unit 9

Roadmap C1 2A
Match up

C1 Random wheel
Spin the wheel

Final C1 Speaking
Open the box

Outcomes C1 5.1
Match up

Speakout C1 personality adjectives
Match up

1C /roadmap C1/ kidfluencers
Match up

Speakout C1-C2, U1
Match up

Outcomes C1 unit 6
Match up

Outcomes C1 unit 1
Complete the sentence

Outcomes C1 unit 1
Flip tiles

hypothetical situations B2-C1
Speaking cards

Idioms Unit 2 - Destination C1
Match up
C1 Perfect Aspect & Continuous Aspect
Open the box
Speakout C1-C2, U1 (speaking)
Spin the wheel
Redemittel: Diskussion B2-C1 (I)
Group sort
Questions (Final lesson B2/C1)
Open the box
C1 emphasis and cleft sentences
Spin the wheel
Outcomes C1 Unit 4 Collocations
Match up
Close up C1 unit 10
Match up