Examples from our community
84 results for 'clumsy'
1.1 Clumsy's song Put lines
Rank order
1.7 Hedgehog's song new words
Match up
1.9 Dreams dictation
Match up
🎄Christmas video The Story of Santa Claus
Gameshow quiz
Clumsy 1.6 Worm's song
I can read unit 13
Clumsy 1
Match up
1.3 Clumsy Owl's song
Complete the sentence
Clumsy - Bees' song
Complete the sentence
Clumsy- Hedgehog's song
Complete the sentence
Gameshow quiz
Clumsy & Gracie 2.6 - past verbs
Complete the sentence
Pronunciation Clumsy 1.5
Speaking cards
Clumsy part 1 dictation
Speaking cards
1.3 In the wood Plot questions
Open the box
Match up
1.10 A night visit questions
Speaking cards
1.6 Worms' song
Clumsy 1.7 In the garden_R.Questions
Open the box
1.9 Dreams Past Simple Summary(Pict)
Speaking cards
1.5 Squirrels and pine cones Personal questions
Open the box
Exam 1.1-1.5
Open the box
Gracie 2.3 Beaver's song
Complete the sentence
Clumsy part 1 exam
Open the box
1.2 In and by the river Jobs
Flip tiles
Clumsy 1.4 A spooky story dict
Matching pairs
1.4 A spooky story Questions
Open the box
1.4 A spooky story have / has
Speaking cards
1.8 At the bottom of the river words
Open the box
Clumsy 1.2 dictation
2.3 Cooking an omelette
Match up
1.5 Squirrels and pine cones words
Open the box
1.4 A spooky story
Image quiz
1.2 Match parts of words
Match up
1.3 In the wood New vocabulary
Match up
1.5 Squirrels
Complete the sentence
1.10 Clumsy A night visit pictures
Flash cards
1.1 In the meadow Spell the word
Spell the word
2.3 Cooking a cheese omelette
Match up
EXAM part 1 Speaking Clumsy
Open the box
1.1-1.8 Clumsy
Match up
Lead-in 1.4 A spooky story
Open the box
1.8 Twister
Match up
1.1 In the meadow 1.2 In and by the river
Group sort
1.7 Hedgehog's song new vocabulary
Flash cards
1.8 Friends' song
Complete the sentence
1.9 Dreams Past Simple pronunciation
Speaking cards
1.7 Hedgehog's song
Match up