Describing pictures
Examples from our community
4,302 results for 'describing pictures'
Describing photo
Describing personality
Group sort
Describing places adjectives
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Labelled diagram
The verb to be + describing personality
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Describe pictures
Speaking cards
Idioms describing people
Match up
Describing people
Speaking cards
Describing Clothes
Matching pairs
Describing people
Labelled diagram
Describing Clothes
Have Something Done pictures
Open the box
adjectives describing people
Match up
Describing people/Harry Potter
Speaking cards
Describe pictures |speaking
Open the box
Describing people
Group sort
Speaking cards
Describing people
Match up
Describing people
Match up
Describing people
Match up
Describing people
Speaking cards
Describing people.
Describing people
Group sort
Describing people
Group sort
Describing food
Match up
Describing a town or a city
Match up
Pictures to describe
Speaking cards
Describing people's appearance
Speaking cards
Describing holidays writing
Rank order
Describing gifts: matching exercise
Match up
2G Describing Photos
Describing people/Lucifer
Speaking cards
Describing gifts. Gap-fill.
Complete the sentence
IC Adjectives describing personality
Match up
Vocabulary Weather pictures
Find the match
Solutions Intermediate - 6A - describing character
Complete the sentence
Describing houses
Flip tiles
Describing music
Match up
describing people
Speaking cards
Describing food
Describing people
Match up
describing food
Match up
Describing people
describing people
Match up
Describing people
Match up
Describing people
Speaking cards
Match the words to the pictures. Fly high 3 review 1
Labelled diagram
Prepositions of place, room
Labelled diagram
Open the box
Comment on the pictures using Conditional sentences.
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Open the box