
English / ESL Business

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Match the numbers
Match the numbers Match up
BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, gap fill)
BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, gap fill) Find the match
Gerund/infinitive (change in meaning)
Gerund/infinitive (change in meaning) Speaking cards
Business Idioms 1
Business Idioms 1 Match up
BP B1, U 1.2 (asking for advice card, with prompts)
BP B1, U 1.2 (asking for advice card, with prompts) Speaking cards
BP B1, 1.1 (qualities, continue the sentence, semi)
BP B1, 1.1 (qualities, continue the sentence, semi) Speaking cards
/don't use/ BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, 2)
/don't use/ BP B1, 1.1 (transferable skills, 2) Match up
BP A2+ 3.1 (vocab, meaning)
BP A2+ 3.1 (vocab, meaning) Complete the sentence
Business Expressions 5
Business Expressions 5 Match up
Business Expressions 2
Business Expressions 2 Match up
Business Expressions 4
Business Expressions 4 Match up
Business Expressions 3
Business Expressions 3 Match up
Business Expressions 1
Business Expressions 1 Match up
Roadmap C1 - Unit 6D
Roadmap C1 - Unit 6D Flip tiles
Business Idioms 2. Discussion
Business Idioms 2. Discussion Spin the wheel
Business Result Intermediate | unit 3
Business Result Intermediate | unit 3 Match up
Speaking | business
Speaking | business Speaking cards
BR PI U1 Companies
BR PI U1 Companies Complete the sentence
 Business Speaking (Intermediate)_1
Business Speaking (Intermediate)_1 Open the box
Small Talk
Small Talk Quiz
Business expressions 5 Test
Business expressions 5 Test Match up
Make/do Advanced Skipper
Make/do Advanced Skipper Quiz
Embracing emotions vocab
Embracing emotions vocab Match up
Business  Partner C1 - Unit 4.2
Business Partner C1 - Unit 4.2 Complete the sentence
Business Speaking cards
Business Speaking cards
Vocabulary: COMPANIES
Vocabulary: COMPANIES Balloon pop
Business Simple tenses speaking
Business Simple tenses speaking Speaking cards
BP B1, 1.1 (form)
BP B1, 1.1 (form) Group sort
BP B1, U 1.1 (skills and qualities)
BP B1, U 1.1 (skills and qualities) Spin the wheel
Find the number
Find the number Find the match
Business Partner C1 - unit 3.1
Business Partner C1 - unit 3.1 Complete the sentence
Business speaking-2
Business speaking-2 Speaking cards
Business Partner C1 - Unit 6.1 - impact of tourism
Business Partner C1 - Unit 6.1 - impact of tourism Complete the sentence
Business partner C1 - 2.1 Circular Economy
Business partner C1 - 2.1 Circular Economy Speaking cards
Transferable skills (2)
Transferable skills (2) Match up
Phrasal verbs for business correspondence -part 1
Phrasal verbs for business correspondence -part 1 Complete the sentence
Transferable skills (1)
Transferable skills (1) Find the match
Describing your company
Describing your company Speaking cards
Present Simple: rules. Test.
Present Simple: rules. Test. Quiz
Daily routine speaking (English A2)
Daily routine speaking (English A2) Speaking cards
Academy Stars 4   Unit 2
Academy Stars 4 Unit 2 Labelled diagram
LL Upper Psychology Qualities
LL Upper Psychology Qualities Match up
A super-duper language phenomenon (ESL Brains, gap-fill)
A super-duper language phenomenon (ESL Brains, gap-fill) Complete the sentence
English File Intermediate. Dependent Prepositions, after verbs
English File Intermediate. Dependent Prepositions, after verbs Complete the sentence
Presentations Quiz
English File pre-intermediate unit 1 vocab
English File pre-intermediate unit 1 vocab Match up
English File. Intermediate. Unit 3B
English File. Intermediate. Unit 3B Speaking cards
English File beginner jobs
English File beginner jobs Speaking cards
English File pre-intermediate 4A
English File pre-intermediate 4A Open the box
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