
English / ESL Grammar

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10,000+ results for 'english grammar'

What are you doing?
What are you doing? Quiz
Warm Up Present Simple or Continuous?
Warm Up Present Simple or Continuous? Quiz
Present cont_capibara
Present cont_capibara Flash cards
Present Perfect Tense.
Present Perfect Tense. Unjumble
Present Continuous Tense.
Present Continuous Tense. Unjumble
of Past
of Past Quiz
Past Simple Tense.
Past Simple Tense. Unjumble
How much /How many Elementary
How much /How many Elementary Spin the wheel
Present Simple final test
Present Simple final test Quiz
Mixed Tenses
Mixed Tenses Quiz
Present perfect speaking questions
Present perfect speaking questions Open the box
Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3)
Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3) Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Quiz
Past Simple.Regular/Irregular Verbs
Past Simple.Regular/Irregular Verbs Quiz
Unit 5. Lessons 8: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3)
Unit 5. Lessons 8: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3) Quiz
TENCES Flash cards
Показники часів
Показники часів Spin the wheel
Pronouncing the Past Tense -ed Ending
Pronouncing the Past Tense -ed Ending Group sort
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Speaking)
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Speaking) Speaking cards
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Past Simple or Present Perfect Quiz
Whose/ Possessive's
Whose/ Possessive's Flash cards
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Group sort
Give me some advice. Should/shouldn`t
Give me some advice. Should/shouldn`t Speaking cards
Countries FF3 Unit 1
Countries FF3 Unit 1 Anagram
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Quiz
Gerund and infinitive B1+
Gerund and infinitive B1+ Quiz
EF4e UI U6B Verbs + infinitive and gerund
EF4e UI U6B Verbs + infinitive and gerund Quiz
 -ed or -ing adjectives
-ed or -ing adjectives Quiz
Speaking cards Must/Mustn't
Speaking cards Must/Mustn't Speaking cards
Present Continuous (labelled)
Present Continuous (labelled) Labelled diagram
Present Continuous (positive, negative or question)
Present Continuous (positive, negative or question) Speaking cards
Present Continuous Open and Yes/No Questions + Listening
Present Continuous Open and Yes/No Questions + Listening Quiz
Let's play
Let's play Quiz
Get grammar. Unit 6.3. Go getter 2
Get grammar. Unit 6.3. Go getter 2 Complete the sentence
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Quiz
Present Perfect, Past Simple
Present Perfect, Past Simple Quiz
Round Up 4 Gerund or Infinitive Categorize
Round Up 4 Gerund or Infinitive Categorize Group sort
Test B2
Test B2 Quiz
Present Perfect/ Past Simple. Speaking.
Present Perfect/ Past Simple. Speaking. Speaking cards
Present Simple (I do) or the Present Continuous (I am doing) Oxford Practice Grammar Basic Unit 7 Ex.A
Present Simple (I do) or the Present Continuous (I am doing) Oxford Practice Grammar Basic Unit 7 Ex.A Quiz
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous Speaking cards
Comparison of adjectives
Comparison of adjectives Quiz
Tenses Group sort
Predictions for the future with time markers
Predictions for the future with time markers Speaking cards
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Quiz
Have to Solutions Elementary
Have to Solutions Elementary Speaking cards
Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency
Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Quiz
do does am is are
do does am is are Quiz
Irregular verbs. Practice. Part 1
Irregular verbs. Practice. Part 1 Speaking cards
FF Starter (p. 1- 21) U 1-2
FF Starter (p. 1- 21) U 1-2 Open the box
 Present Simple/Continuous; Past Simple
Present Simple/Continuous; Past Simple Group sort
Present simple Adverbs of frequency
Present simple Adverbs of frequency Speaking cards
Present Simple (don`t/doesn`t )
Present Simple (don`t/doesn`t ) Quiz
Roadmap B1 (5B. Zero and First Conditionals)
Roadmap B1 (5B. Zero and First Conditionals) Speaking cards
Prime Time 2 / mod 5 / Present Perfect
Prime Time 2 / mod 5 / Present Perfect Quiz
Colours Anagram
smart junior4 unit 2
smart junior4 unit 2 Match up
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