Find a pair
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'find a pair'
Find a pair: fruit and vegetables (kids)
Matching pairs
Quiz show find a pair (letters&words)
Gameshow quiz
Find a pair
Find the match
Find a match.
Balloon pop
find a verb to be
Matching letters A-E
Matching pairs
countable/uncountable ( a/an-some)
Group sort
Alphabet A-J
Balloon pop
A, B, C
Spin the wheel
4th grade Things in the house Pair/No pair
Flash cards
Ex. 3, p. 10
Conditionals real with the future questions
Speaking cards
Find the letter :)
Find the match
Ex. 7, p. 11
Group sort
Ex. 5, p. 11
Group sort
Flash cards
How much or how many?
Group sort
Group sort
Ex. 4, p. 16
Roadmap A1 Unit 1-2 Revision
Speaking cards
TT3 unit 2 `find a mistake`
Find the match
GG4 0.3 adj. find a mistake
Find the match
Smart junior 2 unit 8 a Find and match
Find the match
Find the response. Present Perfect
Find the match
There is There are(a/an/some)
Group sort
Conversation starter Roadmap A1
Speaking cards
Smart junior 2 unit 8 a,b Find and match
Find the match
what's this ? fly high 2 unit 1 a an
Image quiz
Roadmap A1 Unit 1-4 Name 5
Speaking cards
What is he/she wearing?
Open the box
Alphabet What letter is missed
Complete the sentence
Netzwerk Neu A 1.1 Fragen
Present Perfect - for or since
Spin the wheel
bucket list Roadmap b1 3 U
Flash cards
Toys - What is it?
Alphabet A-E
Balloon pop
Alphabet (A-Z)
Maze chase
Phonics (-a)
Find the match
object pronouns find mistakes
Open the box
Alphabet from A to J
Match up
alphabet A-R
Find the match
Find mistakes (Mixed tenses)
Speaking cards
alphabet A-K
Find the match
Find mistakes (Mixed tenses)
Speaking cards
Full Blast Plus 6 Module 6A Game 3
Speaking cards
Find letter A a
Find a mistake (like/ enjoy/ love/ hate + ing)
Flash cards
Mach a pair ,ZNO leader Un1
Matching pairs
Used to Find a mistake in each sentence
Open the box
a an some
Hh-Uu words Find the first letter
Find the match
A- An articles. Hit AN
Can you guess a job?
Find the match
Find a mistake
Speaking cards
FH2 L21 I am playing a game
Match up