Get acquainted
Examples from our community
5,830 results for 'get acquainted'
Let's get acquainted
Spin the wheel
Let's get acquainted
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel and answer the questions.
Spin the wheel
Getting to know each other
Spin the wheel
Phrases and Collocations with "get" (speaking)
Open the box
Getting acquainted questions
Spin the wheel
Let's get acquainted =)
Spin the wheel
Let`s get acquainted
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Getting acquainted
Open the box
all tenses revision
Speaking cards
Lesson 1. Getting acquainted.
Open the box
Flip tiles
Prepare 6 Ukrainian Edition Unit 0 Get Started! Game 3
Spin the wheel
phrases with get
Speaking cards
phrases with get
Group sort
House Get 200
Find the match
have/get sth done
Speaking cards
Go getter 3. Unit 1. Get culture
Group sort
Get 200. Unit 1
Match up
Get grammar. Unit 6.3. Go getter 2
Complete the sentence
get to know questions .
Spin the wheel
Match up
Get Ready for Movers
Phrases with get
Match up
Get culture! The UK.
Group sort
Get to know you
Open the box
Get 200. Unit 1
Match up
Get 200! Vocabulary
Complete the sentence
Get 200! Unit 5. Vocabulary
Group sort
Get-to-Know-You Questions ⭐️
Flash cards
Irregular verbs (do, get, go, have)
Complete the sentence
Food Vocabulary. Get 200! Unit 6
Group sort
Get 200! Unit 05. Vocabulary
Find the match
Unit 1 Appearance Get 200
Flash cards
get 200 unit 3 school
Match up
Get 200! Unit 7. Vocabulary
Complete the sentence
Get to know you Starter
Open the box
get 200 b1 unit 1
Complete the sentence
Prepare 6 Get Started
Match up
school get 200
Spin the wheel
Get 200 b2 U1
Match up
Get 200! Unit 7
Match up
Phrasal verbs with 'get'
Complete the sentence
Have/get something done
Irregular verbs get - lend
Find the match
be/ get used to
Have, go, get collocations
Group sort
Go / have / get (Elementary)
Speaking cards
Get to know
Speaking cards
Group sort
Get 200 Human being
Group sort
phrases with get
Match up