

Examples from our community

10,000+ results for 'grammar'

Warm Up Present Simple or Continuous?
Warm Up Present Simple or Continuous? Quiz
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Quiz
Present perfect speaking questions
Present perfect speaking questions Open the box
Mixed Tenses
Mixed Tenses Quiz
Present Simple final test
Present Simple final test Quiz
Think 1 Unit 2 Present Simple or Present Continuous
Think 1 Unit 2 Present Simple or Present Continuous Quiz
Вправа 2
Вправа 2 Anagram
Unit 5. Lessons 8: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3)
Unit 5. Lessons 8: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3) Quiz
Past Simple.Regular/Irregular Verbs
Past Simple.Regular/Irregular Verbs Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Quiz
Present Simple | present continuous  markers
Present Simple | present continuous markers Group sort
Present cont_capibara
Present cont_capibara Flash cards
of Past
of Past Quiz
Past Simple Tense.
Past Simple Tense. Unjumble
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 2
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 2 Spin the wheel
Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3)
Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3) Quiz
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Past Simple or Present Perfect Quiz
Показники часів
Показники часів Spin the wheel
TENCES Flash cards
Present Continuous Tense.
Present Continuous Tense. Unjumble
Present Perfect Tense.
Present Perfect Tense. Unjumble
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading.
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading. Complete the sentence
 Can- can't
Can- can't Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Speaking)
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Speaking) Speaking cards
Useful expressions with non-progressive verbs
Useful expressions with non-progressive verbs Quiz
Verbs with prepositions
Verbs with prepositions Quiz
AS2 Unit 5 grammar
AS2 Unit 5 grammar Complete the sentence
Present Simple.=
Present Simple.= Gameshow quiz
Present Continuous positive sentences
Present Continuous positive sentences Open the box
Singular and Plural nouns (A2)
Singular and Plural nouns (A2) Group sort
Introductory 'it', 3 types: speaking
Introductory 'it', 3 types: speaking Open the box
Article A or AN?
Article A or AN? Quiz
A/an unit 1 Round up 1
A/an unit 1 Round up 1 Anagram
Indirect questions
Indirect questions Quiz
Tences 🎤
Tences 🎤 Open the box
Connectors/linkers Complete the sentence
Roadmap A2+ will/won't (Unit 4B)
Roadmap A2+ will/won't (Unit 4B) Spin the wheel
Present Simple\Continuous speaking
Present Simple\Continuous speaking Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Quiz
Narrative Tenses. quiz (copied)
Narrative Tenses. quiz (copied) Quiz
There is/are (house)
There is/are (house) Quiz
Was-Were  Questions
Was-Were Questions Speaking cards
SpkOut_B1_Pre-Test Quiz
I YOU WE Find the match
Future Continuous
Future Continuous Speaking cards
Think 2 Unit 10 test
Think 2 Unit 10 test Flash cards
Wh - questions
Wh - questions Match up
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Complete the sentence
Inversion Speaking (copied)
Inversion Speaking (copied) Spin the wheel
comparisons (short adjectives)1
comparisons (short adjectives)1 Complete the sentence
to be
to be Match up
Think 1 Unit 7 Modal verbs
Think 1 Unit 7 Modal verbs Flash cards
3rd Conditional_speaking task
3rd Conditional_speaking task Speaking cards
Present Simple
Present Simple Quiz
This/that/these/those Quiz
Gerund /Infinitive
Gerund /Infinitive Flash cards
My/his/her/your/our/their/its Quiz
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