
Passive voice

Examples from our community

5,102 results for 'passive voice'

Present Simple Active VS Passive
Present Simple Active VS Passive Speaking cards
Passive voice
Passive voice Airplane
What is the thing made of?
What is the thing made of? Open the box
Speaking: Passive Voice
Speaking: Passive Voice Spin the wheel
What is the thing used for?
What is the thing used for? Open the box
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Unjumble
Turn into Present, Past, Future Passive
Turn into Present, Past, Future Passive Speaking cards
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Match up
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Spin the wheel
 Passive voice
Passive voice Speaking cards
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Spin the wheel
Passive voice
Passive voice Group sort
Passive voice
Passive voice Speaking cards
Passive Voice
Passive Voice True or false
Passive voice
Passive voice Speaking cards
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Speaking cards
Passive voice: autumn season
Passive voice: autumn season Flash cards
Passive Voice B2
Passive Voice B2 Flash cards
Passive Voice | speaking revision
Passive Voice | speaking revision Speaking cards
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Open the box
passive voice
passive voice Speaking cards
Passive voice
Passive voice Open the box
Passive voice. Present&Past Simple
Passive voice. Present&Past Simple Quiz
Make sentences using the construction "... is / are / was known as / for..."
Make sentences using the construction "... is / are / was known as / for..." Open the box
SPEAKING Passive Voice
SPEAKING Passive Voice Speaking cards
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