Present Perfect Simple
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'present perfect simple'
Present Tenses Time markers
Group sort
Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Flash cards
Present Perfect Simple/ Present Perfect Continuous
Speaking cards
Mixed Tenses
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
True or false
Present Perfect/ Past Simple. Speaking.
Speaking cards
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Speaking cards
(1) Present Perfect ( +, -, ?)
Speaking cards
Prepare 8 Game 1 Present Perfect and Past Simple
Complete the sentence
Have got vs to be
Complete the sentence
B1 Green Forest Notes | Class 12 - Warm-up
Speaking cards
Some,any,a /an
True or false
Present Perfect questions Have you ever...?
Spin the wheel
Have you ever
Speaking cards
Present Perfect for past experience
Speaking cards
Question words. Present Simple
Special questions, Present Simple
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, going to
Complete the sentence
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Speaking cards
Present Simple
Complete the sentence
Present Simple. Correct or wrong?
True or false
Present Simple -s, -es, -ies (warm up)
Group sort
always, sometimes, never, every day
Present Simple. Affirmative
Gameshow quiz
Present Simple
True or false
don't - doesn't
Present Simple
Complete the sentence
Present Simple - choose positive, negative or question
Speaking cards
Present Simple
Complete the sentence
Present Simple
GG1 Unit 6.3 How often do you...
Speaking cards
Present Simple 35 sentences
Present Simple. Questions
Present Simple
Present simple
Present Simple
Speaking cards
Present Simple. Questions
Speaking cards
Present Simple
4.1 _Present Simple questions
Open the box
Present Simple
Complete the sentence
Present Simple and Present Continuous Questions
Spin the wheel
Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy
True or false
Have you ever...?
Spin the wheel
Present simple vs present continuous
Complete the sentence
Go Getter 3 | 1.3
Present Simple / Continuous
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Matching pairs
Speaking: Present Perfect
Speaking cards
Questions Present Simple (Speak for 2 minutes)
Spin the wheel
Present Perfect questions
Open the box