Roadmap c1
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Roadmap C1 Unit 3B
Complete the sentence

Roadmap C1 Unit 4D
Complete the sentence

Roadmap C1 Unit 1 Infinitive phrases
Complete the sentence

Roadmap C1 - Unit 2D
Match up

Roadmap C1 - Unit 4D
Group sort

Roadmap C1 - Unit 6D
Flip tiles

Roadmap C1 - Unit 4A
Match up

Roadmap C1 - Unit 6C
Complete the sentence

Roadmap C1 - Unit 8A
Match up

Roadmap 1B Jobs
Flash cards

Roadmap B1 Unit 2c Vocab
Match up

A2 1B All about me

Roadmap B1 Unit 1B
Match up

Conversation starter Roadmap A1
Speaking cards

Roadmap A2 Unit 2A
Speaking cards

Roadmap B2+ Unit 2A
Find the match

Roadmap B1+ (2B. First days)
Speaking cards

Roadmap B1+ 3C Living abroad
Flash cards

RoadMap A2. 9A Health problems
Flip tiles

Roadmap A1 Unit 1-4 Name 5
Speaking cards

Converstion starter B2 Roadmap 1A Vocabulary
Open the box

Roadmap A1 Unit 1-2 Revision
Speaking cards

Roadmap C1 2A
Match up

C1 Roadmap 1A
Match up

Roadmap C1 Idioms 1b
Find the match

Roadmap A1 Unit 1A

Roadmap A1 Unit 1A
Rank order

1C /roadmap C1/ kidfluencers
Match up

Roadmap A1 2B

Roadmap B2 unit 2A vocab
Match up

Roadmap B1+ (1C - A late night)
Speaking cards

Comparatives, Superlatives. Speaking. Roadmap A2/A2+
Speaking cards

Roadmap B1 Unit 2C grammar
Match up

Roadmap A1 Nationalities
Group sort

A2 1A All about me /2
Match up

Roadmap C1 Unit 1-2A vocab list Student B
Speaking cards

Speaking work Roadmap C1 Unit 2B
Speaking cards

Roadmap C1 Unit 2A Vocab

Roadmap C1 Unit 1D
Find the match

Roadmap b2 Unit 3a memory
Flash cards
Roadmap C1 Unit 2D
Find the match
Roadmap C1 Unit 1-2A vocab list Student A
Speaking cards
Roadmap B2+ Unit 1 Vocab Revision PART 2
Complete the sentence
Roadmap B1 (4A. Speaking about generations)
Speaking cards
Famous people and nationalities
Speaking cards
Roadmap B1 (4B Discussion about brands)
Speaking cards
Roadmap B1 (4B Superlatives + discussion)
Flash cards
Roadmap B1 (4C. Defining relative clauses)
Speaking cards
Warm-up for A1 learners
Spin the wheel
Vocab. Feelings. Situations. Roadmap 2+ Unit 2A
Speaking cards
Spin the wheel
Roadmap B1+ 2C
Match up
Roadmap B2+ 1C
Complete the sentence
Roadmap C1 - Unit 6B collocations
Match up