Examples from our community
1,774 results for 'think'
3d Conditional
Think before you act online
Match up
Social networking
Spin the wheel
Think 3 WB p5 question tags
Labelled diagram
Think 2 Unit 1 Vocabulary
Think 1 chores
Match up
a/an, some, any (food)
Flash cards
I think _______ isare beautiful
Speaking cards
Think 2 science quiz
Think 1 housework
Great minds think alike
Flip tiles
What do you think of ...
Spin the wheel
Housework for Unit 7 Think 1
Complete the sentence
Arranging a party (Unit 7, Think 2)
Flash cards
The Environment (Unit 6, Think 2)
Complete the sentence
Think 4 Unit 6
Speaking cards
Clothes Think 1
Labelled diagram
Think 3 Unit 4
Speaking cards
Think 2 1 Unit Vocabulary
Match up
Second Conditional (I think you'd...)
Speaking cards
Think 4 unit 9 vocabulary
Match up
Science ( Unit 8, Think 2)
Flash cards
Spring. I think, it is...
Open the box
Science (Unit 8, Think 2)
Match up
Think B1 Unit 9 Passive
Speaking cards
Think about someone who's got...
Speaking cards
CHARACTER Unit 1, Think 2
Match up
Think 2 revision units 5-6
Group sort
A1-A2 Black Friday: Think Twice!
Think 2 Unit 5 Making music
Match up
Think B1 Unit 10 Story telling d.m
Group sort
Think B1 Unit 12 Communication ex 1
Speaking cards
Can you think off ...? (expressing movement)
Speaking cards
Reflexive pronouns. Think of someone who...
Speaking cards
Think B1 Unit 2 Thinking vocabulary
Flip tiles
Key words in context (Unit 1, Think 4)
Flash cards
Conversation starter B1 5C Eating well Can you think of....?
Speaking cards
Think 1 Unit 7 WB p. 68 reading
Match up
Think 1 Unit 4
Flash cards
Think 1 Unit 1-2 Consolidation
Complete the sentence
Personality (Think 3/U 7,) cop
Flash cards
Think 1 units 3-4
Personality adjectives (Think 3(7), 4
Flash cards
Think 2, Unit 10, Past perfect simple (1)
Labelled diagram