Examples from our community
1,774 results for 'think'
3d Conditional
Think before you act online
Match up
Social networking
Spin the wheel
Think 3 WB p5 question tags
Labelled diagram
Think 2 Unit 1 Vocabulary
Think 1 chores
Match up
a/an, some, any (food)
Flash cards
I think _______ isare beautiful
Speaking cards
Think 2 science quiz
Think 1 housework
Great minds think alike
Flip tiles
What do you think of ...
Spin the wheel
Housework for Unit 7 Think 1
Complete the sentence
Arranging a party (Unit 7, Think 2)
Flash cards
The Environment (Unit 6, Think 2)
Complete the sentence
Think 4 Unit 6
Speaking cards
Clothes Think 1
Labelled diagram
Think 3 Unit 4
Speaking cards
Think 2 1 Unit Vocabulary
Match up
Second Conditional (I think you'd...)
Speaking cards
Think 4 unit 9 vocabulary
Match up
Science ( Unit 8, Think 2)
Flash cards
Spring. I think, it is...
Open the box
Science (Unit 8, Think 2)
Match up
Think about someone who's got...
Speaking cards
CHARACTER Unit 1, Think 2
Match up
Think B1 Unit 9 Passive
Speaking cards
Think 2 revision units 5-6
Group sort
A1-A2 Black Friday: Think Twice!
Think 2 Unit 5 Making music
Match up
Think B1 Unit 10 Story telling d.m
Group sort
Think B1 Unit 2 Thinking vocabulary
Flip tiles
Reflexive pronouns. Think of someone who...
Speaking cards
Think B1 Unit 12 Communication ex 1
Speaking cards
Can you think off ...? (expressing movement)
Speaking cards
Conversation starter B1 5C Eating well Can you think of....?
Speaking cards
Key words in context (Unit 1, Think 4)
Flash cards
Think 1 Unit 7 WB p. 68 reading
Match up
Think 1 Unit 4
Flash cards
Think 1 Unit 1-2 Consolidation
Complete the sentence
Personality (Think 3/U 7,) cop
Flash cards
Personality adjectives (Think 3(7), 4
Flash cards
Think 1 units 3-4
Think 2, Unit 10, Past perfect simple (1)
Labelled diagram