Українська мова 6 клас словотвірорфографія
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Перевір себе
Match up
Barton 6.12 Open or Closed and consonant-le
Group sort
Barton 6.13 Do I Double, Drop or Change?
Gameshow quiz
6.1 Open and Closed VS Closed E Matching
Matching pairs
ow, ou, oi, oy
Group sort
Barton 6.10 Pick Tion or Sion
Gameshow quiz
Speaking cards
Open the Box 6.5 (Piggies)
Open the box
Barton 6.9 "Ture" Saint Patricks Day Open the Box
Open the box
Barton 6.8-Word Sort
Barton 6.8
Complete the sentence
Boxes 6.2 Phrases
Open the box
C or K
Maze chase
/f/ words all positions Woozle Game
Open the box
6.5 Phrases and Sentences
Open the box
Barton 6.8 Fill in Sentences
Complete the sentence
Barton 6.8
Group sort
Barton 6.4 Boom Sight Words Games
Speaking cards
6.6 Dropping Silent E with Suffixes
Gameshow quiz
-le Wilson Book 6
Match up
З'єднайте предмети гардеробу з їх назвами
Labelled diagram
C/K Don't Be Greedy - shared
Open the box
6.11 Silent e units ... with picture clues
Gameshow quiz
number 1 to 10
Open the box
Рідний край
Spin the wheel
6.2 Phrases
Spin the wheel
The Solar System
Speaking cards
6.4 Don't be greedy -ve -ive (Cow)
Open the box
Barton 6.7 Unscramble Syllables
/k/ words all positions Woozle game
Open the box
Ful, er, Ly Wilson Book 6 Suffixes
Group sort
Barton Sight Words 6.1
-le word match / 6.4 Wilson
Match up
Order the sentences
Barton 6.11 Silent E Unit BOOM (With Jokes for tweens/teens)
Speaking cards
EXAMEN ORAL: L'environnement et le subjonctif
Spin the wheel
Rummy 500 Wilson Book 6.4
Speaking cards
/p/ /b/ all positions woozle game
Open the box
Argumentative Essay Terms
/t/ /d/ words all positions wozzle game
Open the box
k, ck, ic,
Book 6 Lesson 6
Does this word have a silent E?
Gameshow quiz
Blends (Skills 6)