

Examples from our community

7,435 results for 'ch'

OG81 tch/ ch
OG81 tch/ ch Group sort
OG37 -tch -ch words
OG37 -tch -ch words Whack-a-mole
ch Whack-a-mole
CH Open the box
CH Complete the sentence
ch Spin the wheel
ch - find the match
ch - find the match Find the match
Christmas Match Up /sh/ /ch/ /j/ words
Christmas Match Up /sh/ /ch/ /j/ words Matching pairs
CH Speaking cards
CH Whack-a-mole
/ch/ Whack-a-mole
F(ch) = tch, ch
F(ch) = tch, ch Gameshow quiz
ch digraph
ch digraph Group sort
ch- words
ch- words Speaking cards
Ch/ tch Whack-a-Mole
Ch/ tch Whack-a-Mole Whack-a-mole
CH words
CH words Matching pairs
Digraph CH
Digraph CH Group sort
ch or tch?
ch or tch? True or false
Diagraph ch
Diagraph ch Whack-a-mole
-tch / -ch
-tch / -ch Group sort
ch/tch Balloon pop
Medial CH
Medial CH Matching pairs
ch//tch Quiz
-ch/-tch Group sort
Digraph ch
Digraph ch Whack-a-mole
ch digraph
ch digraph Group sort
ch/sh Group sort
ch/sh Quiz
Ch = ch and Ch = k
Ch = ch and Ch = k Group sort
Verkehrsmittel + fahren/ fliegen + „mit" + Dativ
Verkehrsmittel + fahren/ fliegen + „mit" + Dativ Group sort
/ch/ or not /ch/
/ch/ or not /ch/ True or false
Ch or no Ch?
Ch or no Ch? Group sort
ch Hangman
ch Hangman Hangman
"Ch" Hangman
 digraphs SH & CH
digraphs SH & CH Whack-a-mole
ch or tch?
ch or tch? Quiz
ch/tch Sort
ch/tch Sort Group sort
 Digraphs Sort ch/sh
Digraphs Sort ch/sh Group sort
/sh/  versus /ch/
/sh/ versus /ch/ Balloon pop
-tch vs. -ch
-tch vs. -ch Group sort
Initial CH Sound
Initial CH Sound Image quiz
ch/tch sort
ch/tch sort Group sort
sh or ch?
sh or ch? True or false
/sh/  versus /ch/
/sh/ versus /ch/ Whack-a-mole
SOS ch/sh
SOS ch/sh Anagram
Ch/Sh words
Ch/Sh words Open the box
sh or ch?
sh or ch? Quiz
tch or ch sort
tch or ch sort Group sort
th/sh/ch Sentences
th/sh/ch Sentences Spin the wheel
Digraphs th sh ch
Digraphs th sh ch Group sort
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