
10th Grade English / ESL School High analyzing literary

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Les prépositions de lieu
Les prépositions de lieu Quiz
Wh- and H Questions
Wh- and H Questions Unjumble
Mein Haus - Quiz
Mein Haus - Quiz Quiz
La rutina de la mañana - Quiz
La rutina de la mañana - Quiz Quiz
School subjects
School subjects Match up
Passive. Grammar Transformation
Passive. Grammar Transformation Flip tiles
 Passive Voice speaking cards
Passive Voice speaking cards Speaking cards
active or passive
active or passive Group sort
Passive Questions
Passive Questions Speaking cards
Literary Devices List 1
Literary Devices List 1 Match up
Conversation Wheel - Around School
Conversation Wheel - Around School Spin the wheel
Fiction Genre Whack-A-Mole
Fiction Genre Whack-A-Mole Whack-a-mole
Would You Rather- Middle School- High School
Would You Rather- Middle School- High School Spin the wheel
Back from Winter Break
Back from Winter Break Open the box
Wheel of Questions
Wheel of Questions Spin the wheel
Le parti del corpo
Le parti del corpo Labelled diagram
die Fächer
die Fächer Match up
Checks and Balances
Checks and Balances Labelled diagram
Prepositions of Place
Prepositions of Place Labelled diagram
Prepositions of Time: in/on/at
Prepositions of Time: in/on/at Group sort
Months and seasons - 4th grade
Months and seasons - 4th grade Group sort
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives Group sort
Layers of the Earth and Atmosphere
Layers of the Earth and Atmosphere Labelled diagram
Classroom Labelled Diagram
Classroom Labelled Diagram Labelled diagram
Computer Vocabulary
Computer Vocabulary Match up
Le petit déjeuner français
Le petit déjeuner français Match up
2.3 Speakout Pre-Intermediate
2.3 Speakout Pre-Intermediate Speaking cards
Literary Devices Examples
Literary Devices Examples Find the match
English Conversation Cards (Conditional Tense)
English Conversation Cards (Conditional Tense) Speaking cards
A1- DAYS OF THE WEEK Spin the wheel
Irregular Preterite
Irregular Preterite Match up
Mitosis Labelled diagram
Carbon Cycle
Carbon Cycle Labelled diagram
Verbos Reflexivos Definiciones
Verbos Reflexivos Definiciones Find the match
Pedigree Chart Identification
Pedigree Chart Identification Labelled diagram
Reflexive Verbs (Daily Routine)
Reflexive Verbs (Daily Routine) Match up
Le passé composé avec avoir ou être?
Le passé composé avec avoir ou être? True or false
DNA Replication
DNA Replication Labelled diagram
Mitosis Gameshow quiz
Cell Organelles
Cell Organelles Match up
Cellular Respiration Diagram
Cellular Respiration Diagram Labelled diagram
Congruent Triangles
Congruent Triangles Group sort
Reflexive Verbs (Daily Routine)
Reflexive Verbs (Daily Routine) Match up
Cell Labelled diagram
 Passe compose avec ETRE
Passe compose avec ETRE Complete the sentence
Present Perfect 6B
Present Perfect 6B Whack-a-mole
L'heure - 12 hour practice
L'heure - 12 hour practice Match up
F2 les endroits en ville & les activités
F2 les endroits en ville & les activités Find the match
Flowering Plant Reproduction-HSHS
Flowering Plant Reproduction-HSHS Labelled diagram
Drug Categories
Drug Categories Group sort
Classification Labelled diagram
Weather or Climate?
Weather or Climate? Group sort
pronombres + el verbo GUSTAR
pronombres + el verbo GUSTAR Whack-a-mole
les fournitures scolaires
les fournitures scolaires Matching pairs
demonstrative adjectives
demonstrative adjectives Whack-a-mole
Futur simple
Futur simple Find the match
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