
English / ESL Grammar 12

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ESL B1 - Articles
ESL B1 - Articles Whack-a-mole
I wish.. - ESL Conversation
I wish.. - ESL Conversation Speaking cards
A1- DAYS OF THE WEEK Spin the wheel
Prepositions of Place
Prepositions of Place Labelled diagram
ESL-Illness & Injuries Voc.
ESL-Illness & Injuries Voc. Match up
ESL SPEAKING PRACTICE  _ing and  -ed Adjectives
ESL SPEAKING PRACTICE _ing and -ed Adjectives Spin the wheel
countable and uncountable - dialogues
countable and uncountable - dialogues Complete the sentence
Christmas Anagram
ESL present perfect
ESL present perfect Unjumble
Past Simple - irregular verbs
Past Simple - irregular verbs Find the match
Past Simple - regular verbs
Past Simple - regular verbs Complete the sentence
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind -
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind - Quiz
To/Too/Two Complete the sentence
Noun or Adjective?
Noun or Adjective? Group sort
Sorting Common vs Proper Nouns
Sorting Common vs Proper Nouns Group sort
The first and zero conditional sentences
The first and zero conditional sentences Find the match
Fact vs Opinion
Fact vs Opinion Group sort
Conjunctions Practice
Conjunctions Practice Complete the sentence
Verbs and Nouns
Verbs and Nouns Group sort
There/Their/They're Complete the sentence
Sorting Verb Tenses
Sorting Verb Tenses Group sort
Common Nouns
Common Nouns Group sort
Its/It's Complete the sentence
To, Too, or Two
To, Too, or Two Group sort
Homographs Group sort
Your/You're Complete the sentence
Sentence or Fragment
Sentence or Fragment Group sort
Past, present, future tenses
Past, present, future tenses Group sort
Simple, Compound, or Fragment
Simple, Compound, or Fragment Group sort
Clauses Group sort
ESL 1.2.a Numbers 1-20 Flying Fruit
ESL 1.2.a Numbers 1-20 Flying Fruit Flying fruit
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Spin the wheel
Present Perfect Past Simple
Present Perfect Past Simple Quiz
ESL CONVERSATION - Identity Theft Questions
ESL CONVERSATION - Identity Theft Questions Spin the wheel
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns Quiz
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives Quiz
past tense verbs Betty Azar part 4
past tense verbs Betty Azar part 4 Match up
Practice with the Present Continuous
Practice with the Present Continuous Quiz
ESL 1.9 Animals
ESL 1.9 Animals Match up
A Present Continuous Story
A Present Continuous Story Complete the sentence
Welcome Unit- Wheel of Questions (ESL Getting to Know You!)
Welcome Unit- Wheel of Questions (ESL Getting to Know You!) Spin the wheel
Groceries ESL
Groceries ESL Spin the wheel
Verbs Gameshow quiz
3 Irregular Verb Matching
3 Irregular Verb Matching Match up
Apostrophes Group sort
FANBOYS Spin the wheel
Count vs Non Count Nouns
Count vs Non Count Nouns Group sort
Collective Noun
Collective Noun Complete the sentence
Verbs Spin the wheel
 linking/action verbs
linking/action verbs Group sort
Subject versus Predicate
Subject versus Predicate Open the box
Past Tense Verbs
Past Tense Verbs Whack-a-mole
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