
3rd Grade Spelling

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Which? -ck or -k??
Which? -ck or -k?? Quiz
11/18 Unit 4 List 1 spelling
11/18 Unit 4 List 1 spelling Group sort
Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams Anagram
Homophones Gameshow quiz
pick the spelling of /er/
pick the spelling of /er/ Quiz
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai)
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai) Group sort
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa)
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Group sort
r-controlled sentence fill-in review
r-controlled sentence fill-in review Complete the sentence
plural nouns (-s/-es)
plural nouns (-s/-es) Group sort
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea)
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea) Complete the sentence
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee)
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee) Group sort
Syllable Types BIG Sort
Syllable Types BIG Sort Group sort
ee and ea homophones
ee and ea homophones Open the box
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou)
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou) Find the match
spelling consonant-le words
spelling consonant-le words Anagram
spelling long vowel sounds
spelling long vowel sounds Anagram
Long Spelling Rules - ge/dge, k/ck, ch/tch
Long Spelling Rules - ge/dge, k/ck, ch/tch Gameshow quiz
/oi/ spellings: oi and oy
/oi/ spellings: oi and oy Gameshow quiz
Choose the Correct Spelling L3 Unit 4
Choose the Correct Spelling L3 Unit 4 Quiz
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17)
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17) Speaking cards
2 sounds of 'ear'
2 sounds of 'ear' Group sort
Contractions Spin the wheel
Unjumble sentences with floss words
Unjumble sentences with floss words Unjumble
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7)
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7) Unjumble
-ck words
-ck words Anagram
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7)
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7) Complete the sentence
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK)
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK) Group sort
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7)
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7) Complete the sentence
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9)
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9) Unjumble
Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW Hangman
-tion -sion spelling
-tion -sion spelling Group sort
Barton 4.12 AY EE
Barton 4.12 AY EE Hangman
<er> words
<er> words Speaking cards
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA Hangman
UFLI 84 AI AY Whack-a-mole
Barton 4.08 Compound Words
Barton 4.08 Compound Words Hangman
AU AW AUGH OU OUGH Win or lose quiz
I dont know
I dont know True or false
long u word sort (u-e, ou, oo)
long u word sort (u-e, ou, oo) Group sort
Barton 4.05 Rule Review
Barton 4.05 Rule Review Quiz
au versus aw
au versus aw True or false
Spell-in-the-blank: long u
Spell-in-the-blank: long u Quiz
UFLI Heart Words:  Lesson 058-062
UFLI Heart Words: Lesson 058-062 Speaking cards
UFLI Heart Words:  Lesson 033-041
UFLI Heart Words: Lesson 033-041 Speaking cards
Barton 4.11 Confident Rule
Barton 4.11 Confident Rule Balloon pop
True or False er, ir, ur
True or False er, ir, ur True or false
UFLI 42 FLSZ Matching pairs
long e (through SPIRE Level 4)
long e (through SPIRE Level 4) Rank order
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies Quiz
3rd - U:1 W:5 - Long O spellings
3rd - U:1 W:5 - Long O spellings Group sort
OO Spelling
OO Spelling Hangman
Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals)
Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals) Gameshow quiz
Spelling - Compound Words
Spelling - Compound Words Gameshow quiz
CKLA Unit 4 Lesson 6-11 Spelling
CKLA Unit 4 Lesson 6-11 Spelling Group sort
GR3 Wonders U2W3 Spelling
GR3 Wonders U2W3 Spelling Wordsearch
Suffix Spelling Rules
Suffix Spelling Rules Maze chase
Wonders spelling U3W3 grade 3
Wonders spelling U3W3 grade 3 Gameshow quiz
/oo/ words spelled o, ew, o_e, oo
/oo/ words spelled o, ew, o_e, oo Anagram
Multisyllable spelling
Multisyllable spelling Whack-a-mole
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