Adult Education English / ESL Irregular verbs
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'adults esl irregular verbs'
Irregular verbs (simple past)
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Irregular Verb - Past Simple
Spin the wheel
Past Simple Irregular Verbs match
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Irregular past tense verbs
Flash cards
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple
Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns
Complete the sentence
Word Sort 2: Count and Noncount Nouns
Group sort
Getting to Know You Questions
Spin the wheel
At the Grocery Store, Part 1/4
Labelled diagram
At the Grocery Store, Part 2/4
Labelled diagram
Negative Prefixes + Adjectives
Group sort
Simple Past Tense Review
Gameshow quiz
Conversation Wheel (Daily Routines)
Spin the wheel
Past Simple + Past Continuous
Complete the sentence
Daily Routines
Labelled diagram
Fast Food Restaurant
Labelled diagram
Health Problems
Labelled diagram
Present Continuous vs Simple Present
Complete the sentence
What are you doing?
Spin the wheel
Present Tenses
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past tense verbs Betty Azar part 4
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Travel Activities
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Adjective Order
Complete the sentence
At the Grocery Store, Part 3/4
Labelled diagram
Daily Activities
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Word Sort 2: Prepositions of Time
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Subject Pronouns
Complete the sentence
At the Grocery Store, Part 4/4
Labelled diagram
Irregular Past Tense Verbs 1
Matching pairs
Most Common Irregular Verbs – Flash Cards
Flip tiles
Fruit, Part 1/2
Labelled diagram
Spin the wheel
Labelled diagram
Word Sort 1: Nationality Adjective Suffixes
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Conversation Boxes: Tourism & Travel
Open the box
Website, Email, or Code?
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Chores & Rooms
Group sort
Computer Vocabulary--Study Set
Flip tiles
On In Under prepositions
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Furniture: The Living Room
Labelled diagram
Verb Idioms - Expressing Opinions
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Household Problems & Repairs
Labelled diagram
Pressures of an Adult Student -- Cloze
Complete the sentence
Parts of the Body
Labelled diagram
Office Equipment
Labelled diagram
Life Events
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Match irregular verbs.
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